(1) If an audit report presented to the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee or the appropriate standing subcommittee of the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee reflects evidence of improper practices of financial administration or inadequacy of fiscal records, the Legislative Auditor shall report the evidence to the appropriate executive official or officials affected thereby and to the governing body of the entity of the state or political subdivision of the state.
(2) If the findings relate to an entity of the state, the Legislative Auditor shall also report the findings to the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State.
(3) If the findings relate to a prosecuting attorney's office, the Legislative Auditor shall also report the findings to the Attorney General for review and appropriate action.
(1) If an audit report presented to the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee or the appropriate standing subcommittee of the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee reflects evidence of apparent unauthorized disbursements or unaccounted-for funds or property by a public official or employee, the Legislative Auditor shall promptly report the transactions in writing to the prosecuting attorney for the county in which the entity of the state or the political subdivision of the state is located, the Governor, the appropriate executive official or officials affected thereby, and the governing body of the entity of the state or political subdivision of the state.
(2) If the findings relate to an entity of the state, the Legislative Auditor shall also report the findings to the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State.
(3) If the findings relate to a prosecuting attorney's office, the Legislative Auditor shall also report the same to the Attorney General for review and appropriate action.
(1) The Legislative Auditor shall notify and cooperate with the appropriate prosecuting attorney on all matters that appear to involve a criminal offense.
(2) Upon request and with the approval of the cochairs of the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee, the Legislative Auditor shall cooperate in any other investigations by the appropriate prosecuting attorney, the Department of Arkansas State Police, or any other state or federal law enforcement agency.
(1) While the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee is not established as an agency to effect through its own direct action the correction of improper practices of financial administration or the inadequacy of fiscal records, the prosecution of defaulting public officials, or the improvement of accounting systems in any entity of the state or political subdivision of the state, it is nevertheless determined that the action or nonaction on the part of the appropriate public officials in respect to the correction of the matters when called to their attention or in respect to the institution of criminal proceedings where proper, has pertinent bearing upon the question of the necessity for future remedial legislation.
(2) It is for this reason that the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee is authorized to inform public officials to the extent provided by law of the findings of the Legislative Auditor in respect to any such matters.
(1) If the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee determines that an entity of the state or a political subdivision of the state has not corrected the deficiencies noted in one (1) or more previous reports, the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee may request the prosecuting attorney of the judicial district in which the entity of the state or the political subdivision of the state is located to take appropriate action to assure that the records of the entity of the state or the political subdivision of the state are maintained in accordance with law.
(2) If the prosecuting attorney fails or refuses to take appropriate action within a reasonable time after receipt of notice from the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee that an entity of the state or a political subdivision of the state is not maintaining its records in substantial compliance with law, the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee may request the Attorney General to take such appropriate action as may be necessary to assure that the records of the entity of the state or political subdivision of the state are maintained in compliance with law.
(1) By June 30 of each year, the Attorney General and each prosecuting attorney to whom the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee or the Legislative Auditor has reported a matter under this section shall file with the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee a disposition report on the status of the matters that have not been previously reported as resolved to the Legislative Joint Auditing Committee.
(2) A disposition report shall address all matters that have not been previously reported as resolved under subdivision (f)(1) of this section prior to and during the preceding calendar year.
(3) A disposition report shall include without limitation:
(A) The date the matter was reported to the Attorney General or the prosecuting attorney;
(B) The amount of loss or funds unaccounted for in connection with the matter;
(C) The status or disposition of the matter; and
(D) Other comments pertinent to the investigation or disposition of the matter.