(1) The Department of Education shall provide the Bureau of Legislative Research with direct read-and-report-only access to the department's data warehouse concerning school districts and related records.
(2) In providing the bureau with the direct read-and-report-only access required under subdivision (a)(1) of this section, the department shall take reasonable precautions, including electronic blocking or redacting, to prevent the disclosure of:
(A) Personally identifiable information of a student unless the parent or guardian of a minor student or a student who is no longer a minor consents in writing to the disclosure of personally identifiable information about that student; or
(B) Information that would cause the department to lose funding under the provisions of 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, as it existed on January 1, 2007.
(A) The department shall make its staff reasonably accessible for consultation with bureau staff in developing and responding appropriately to bureau requests under this section.
(B) The bureau staff shall inform the department of any warehouse data used in the preparation of reports and provide the department at least one (1) working day to review any student-related warehouse data used in preparation of reports prior to publicly releasing that student-related data without individually identifiable information.
(b) The department shall provide other information and records requested by the bureau as soon as possible and in whatever reasonable form requested.