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U.S. State Codes
Title 18. Health, Safety, H...
Chapter 55. Housing, Public...
Article 3. Slum Clearance and Redevelopment Act.
Article 3. Slum Clearance and Redevelopment Act.
Sec. 18.55.480. Findings and declaration of necessity.
Sec. 18.55.490. Legislative intent.
Sec. 18.55.500. Interest of members of board of directors or employees of corporation in project prohibited.
Sec. 18.55.510. Finding of necessity by municipality.
Sec. 18.55.520. Powers of the corporation.
Sec. 18.55.525. Neighborhood development projects.
Sec. 18.55.530. Preparation and approval of redevelopment plans.
Sec. 18.55.540. Disposal of property in redevelopment project.
Sec. 18.55.550. Eminent domain.
Sec. 18.55.560. Acquisition and development of undeveloped vacant land.
Sec. 18.55.570. Issuance of bonds and notes.
Sec. 18.55.580. Power of corporation to provide additional security for bonds.
Sec. 18.55.590. Remedies of obligee.
Sec. 18.55.600. Bonds as legal investment.
Sec. 18.55.610. Conveyance to federal government on default.
Sec. 18.55.620. Property exempt from taxes and execution.
Sec. 18.55.630. Cooperation by public bodies.
Sec. 18.55.650. Title of purchaser of project property.
Sec. 18.55.660. Additional powers of governing body.
Sec. 18.55.670. Preparation of general plan by local governing body.
Sec. 18.55.680. Urban renewal projects; definition.
Sec. 18.55.690. Urban renewal plan; definition.
Sec. 18.55.700. Powers with respect to urban renewal.
Sec. 18.55.710. Public bodies authorized to assist in urban renewal projects.
Sec. 18.55.720. Corporation may delegate functions to municipalities and public bodies.
Sec. 18.55.730. Agreements for exercising powers and granting assistance.
Sec. 18.55.740. Workable program.
Sec. 18.55.750. Municipality may repair, etc., dwellings unfit for habitation.
Sec. 18.55.760. Ordinances relating to unfit dwellings.
Sec. 18.55.770. What ordinance must include.
Sec. 18.55.780. Petition or finding that dwelling is unfit and filing of complaint.
Sec. 18.55.790. Pleadings and hearing.
Sec. 18.55.800. Rules of evidence do not control in hearings before the corporation.
Sec. 18.55.810. Findings and order.
Sec. 18.55.820. Ordinance to fix percentage of cost as reasonable.
Sec. 18.55.830. Failure of owner to comply with order.
Sec. 18.55.840. Costs of repair, etc., are a lien.
Sec. 18.55.850. Disposition of material where dwelling is removed or demolished.
Sec. 18.55.860. Ordinance to give corporation power to determine fitness of dwellings for habitation.
Sec. 18.55.870. Manner of serving parties in interest.
Sec. 18.55.880. Injunction to prevent corporation from proceeding.
Sec. 18.55.890. Remedies provided are exclusive.
Sec. 18.55.900. Ordinance may give corporation additional powers.
Sec. 18.55.910. Municipality to prepare estimate of costs of administration.
Sec. 18.55.920. AS 18.55.750 - 18.55.930 not a limitation on municipalities.
Sec. 18.55.930. Powers of a municipality to control use and occupancy of dwellings.
Sec. 18.55.932. Urban redevelopment or urban renewal in a disaster area.
Sec. 18.55.934. State aid for an urban redevelopment or urban renewal project in a disaster area.
Sec. 18.55.940. Inconsistent provisions superseded.
Sec. 18.55.950. Definitions.
Sec. 18.55.960. Short title.