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U.S. State Codes
Title 14. Education, Librar...
Chapter 12. Organization an...
Article 2. School Boards.
Article 2. School Boards.
Sec. 14.12.030. School boards.
Sec. 14.12.035. Advisory school boards in borough school districts.
Sec. 14.12.040. Transition from five to seven member board.
Sec. 14.12.050. School board terms.
Sec. 14.12.070. Vacancies.
Sec. 14.12.080. Qualification of members.
Sec. 14.12.090. Oath.
Sec. 14.12.100. Application.
Sec. 14.12.110. Single body as assembly and school board.
Sec. 14.12.115. Indemnification.