(a) A person may not provide pyrotechnics display, special effects, and flame effects in which the audience is closer to the devices than permitted by NFPA 1123 or in compliance with NFPA 160, or both, without a pyrotechnic special effects operator license. An applicant for a pyrotechnic special effects license shall submit all of the following to the State Fire Marshal:
(1) Proof that the applicant is at least 21 years of age at the time of application.
(2) Proof of successful completion, with a passing score of 75 percent or greater, of a 16-hour proximate pyrotechnics training program approved by the State Fire Marshal for pyrotechnic special effects operators. The training program test shall be given under the supervision of a person appointed by the State Fire Marshal.
(3) Verifiable evidence of active participation as a co-lead in the safe performance of at least six proximate audience displays or flame effects, or both, under the direct supervision of a competent licensed pyrotechnic special effects operator.
(4) Proof of a current Employer Possessor Letter of Clearance issued to the individual by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
(5) An application fee of one hundred twenty dollars ($120).
(b) Each pyrotechnic special effects operator licensee requesting renewal of his or her license shall submit proof of all of the following to the State Fire Marshal:
(1) Completion of a 16-hour continuing education training program approved by the State Fire Marshal for pyrotechnic special effects operators within the two-year license period. The training program shall be taught by an organization, display company, or individual approved by the State Fire Marshal.
(2) Active participation as a pyrotechnic special effects operator in the safe performance of at least two proximate audience displays or flame effects, or both, within the two-year license period.
(3) Proof of a current Employer Possessor Letter of Clearance issued to the individual by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
(4) A signed affidavit stating that the licensee has committed no felonies in this state or another state within the two-year license period.
(5) A renewal fee of one hundred twenty dollars ($120).
(c) A pyrotechnic special effects operator license shall expire two years after issuance, unless renewed before expiration.