The selection and employment of all individuals in the service of Calhoun County, Alabama, except for those exempted in Section 45-8-120.01 shall be subject to the provisions of the Calhoun County Civil Service System as established herein and the rules and regulations established by the Calhoun County Civil Service Board as required to implement the intent of the article. This article and the county civil service system it creates shall specifically apply to employment in the offices and activities of the tax assessor, tax collector, judge of probate, sheriff, county commission, commissioner of licenses, county engineer, and other departments of the county whose employees are paid from county controlled funds, regardless of the source of such funds, but it shall not apply to those employees exempted in Section 45-8-120.01. All employees who are covered by this article shall be selected and hold their positions pursuant to this article and the board's implementing rules and regulations. Any current employee of Calhoun County who is subject to the provisions of this article and who has satisfactorily completed a probationary period previously required by the county civil service system in effect at the time that this article becomes law and has been determined by the board to have standing under such civil service system shall be considered to be a regular status classified service employee under this article and shall not be required to stand an examination in order to retain his or her position and shall remain in his or her employment so long as he or she continues to meet the conditions of employment established by this article and the board's implementing rules and regulations. Those individuals who are still serving a probationary period under previous civil service system requirements must complete the probationary period required by this article before they may be designated regular status classified service employees.