Section 45-5A-70 - Election of board of education; referendum.

AL Code § 45-5A-70 (2019) (N/A)
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(a)(1) Pursuant to Amendment 659 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, and as soon as practicable after final approval of this section by the United States Department of Justice, if necessary, the Oneonta City Council shall call an authorizing referendum election, to be held at the time of the next general election held in the city on November 7, 2000, regarding changing the Oneonta City Board of Education to an elected city board of education.

(2) If a majority of the qualified electors of the municipality voting in the authorizing referendum election vote in favor of an elected city board of education, the board shall be established as provided in this section and the Legislature, as provided in Amendment 659, from time to time, by local law may provide further for the election and operation of the Oneonta City Board of Education. The local laws may provide for the termination of the terms of office of members of the existing city board of education; the composition of the city board of education; initial and succeeding terms of office, including staggered terms; election districts and at-large membership; qualifications; powers, duties, and responsibilities; vacancies; compensation; and any other matter that the Legislature determines necessary for the operation of the board.

(3) The question on the ballot shall read as follows: "Do you favor changing the Oneonta City Board of Education from an appointed to an elected board?

"Yes (______ ) No ( ______ )."

(4) If a majority of the qualified electors of the municipality voting in the authorizing referendum vote against an elected city board of education, the current board shall continue to operate as provided by law and the remaining portions of this section shall have no further effect.

(5) The official charged with conducting municipal elections shall conduct this election. The city shall pay any costs and expenses not otherwise reimbursed by a governmental agency which are incidental to the election. The official shall report the results of the election to the State Board of Education as provided in Amendment 659.

(b) If the majority of electors voting pursuant to subsection (a) vote in favor of changing to an elected board, an elected board of education for the City of Oneonta shall be established. The board shall be called the "Oneonta City Board of Education." The board shall be composed of five members, with each member qualifying and being elected by place number from the city at-large by the qualified electors voting who reside in the city.

(c) A member shall reside in the City of Oneonta during the entire term of office.

(d) A candidate for each place on the board of education shall be at least 21 years of age, a resident of the City of Oneonta for at least 90 consecutive days immediately preceding the deadline date for qualifying as a candidate, and shall not be an employee of the board or have a record of conviction for any crime involving moral turpitude.

(e)(1) The Oneonta City Council shall take necessary steps to ensure that this section complies with the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended.

(2) The Oneonta City Council shall call an election to elect the initial members of the board of education. This election shall be held after preclearance by the United States Department of Justice is obtained and within one year after May 11, 2000.

(3) The initial election and the initial runoff election, if necessary, and all subsequent elections held pursuant to this section shall be conducted, the vote canvassed, and the results declared in the same manner as provided for the election of members of the city council, unless otherwise required in this section.

(4) The initial elected members of the board of education shall assume office immediately upon the certification of the election results and shall serve initial terms of office as follows: Place 1, Place 3, and Place 5 shall serve initial terms of office that correspond in duration with the terms of office of the members of the city council elected in 2000; Place 2 and Place 4 shall serve until their successors, elected at a municipal election held on the fourth Tuesday in August 2002, are qualified and assume office on the first Monday in October 2002. Thereafter, all members of the board shall be elected to serve terms of four years.

(f)(1) Upon the assumption of office of the initially elected members of the board of education, the Oneonta City Board of Education as provided in this section shall be constituted and the terms, powers, duties, responsibilities, and emoluments of office of the prior members of the board of education shall end.

(2)a. Upon assumption of office of the initial elected members of the board of education, these members shall have the powers, authority, duties, and responsibilities as are otherwise provided by law for members of city boards of education as set forth in Chapter 11 (commencing with Section 16-11-1) of Title 16.

b. At the first meeting after the board takes office, and every year thereafter, the board shall by majority vote of those voting, select a chair and vice chair from among its members. The vice chair shall preside over meetings of the board in the absence of the chair.

c. All property, records, supplies, and equipment of the prior board of education shall be vested in the board created by this section.

(3) The establishment of the board of education as provided in this section shall not affect or impair any of the following:

a. Existing rights or privileges of employees of the board including, but not limited to, employment, personnel, salary, and retirement rights and privileges.

b. Existing contractual obligations of the board of education.

c. Existing civil and criminal actions.

(g) A vacancy on the board of education shall be filled by appointment by a majority of the remaining members of the board of education for the unexpired term. If the vacancy is not filled by the remaining members of the board of education within 30 days, the city council, or a designee of the city council, shall notify the State Superintendent of Education who shall fill the vacancy by appointment. A person filling a vacancy on the board shall be a resident of the City of Oneonta.

(h) The compensation for each member of the board of education, if any, shall be in an amount prescribed by resolution of the city council and payable from city school system funds.

(i) An annual audit of the financial records of the city school system and of the board of education shall be conducted by a reputable certified public accountant or auditing firm as selected by the board. The audit results shall be made a matter of public record. All monies of the school system shall be accounted for whether reserved for capital outlay or held for any other purpose.

(j) Any member of the board of education who fails to attend more than two regularly scheduled monthly board meetings without an authorized excused absence as recognized by the board through written policy shall receive a written request from the city superintendent of education to attend the meetings. If the board member persists in his or her unexcused absence for two additional regularly scheduled monthly board meetings, then the position shall be declared vacant by the chair of the board, subject to review and approval by the city council.

(k) The chair of the board shall have all of the following duties:

(1) To preside over all board meetings.

(2) To set the meeting dates and times of all board meetings consistent with state law. The chair shall endeavor to set meeting times at 7:00 p.m. or at a similar time which will afford citizens the best opportunity to attend.

(3) To set the agenda of the board meetings in consultation with the city superintendent of education.

(4) To ensure proper and adequate notice to the public for public hearings on the budget of the school system.

(5) To maintain order at all board meetings.

(6) To assist the superintendent in seeking public input into the operations and support of the city school system.

(7) To vote on all matters which come before the board if he or she so desires.

(8) To ensure due process for the employees of the city school system according to duly adopted written policies and applicable state laws.

(9) To promote the city school system as authorized by the board.

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