All fees established by the Jefferson County Board of Health pursuant to this subpart shall be reasonable and proportional to the costs of providing the services for which such fees shall be respectively charged, and in no event shall the fee charged for any service exceed the total cost of providing such service, including a reasonable allocation of the general administrative expenses of the Jefferson County Health Department. No fees for any services shall be initially established or subsequently increased by the Jefferson County Board of Health without a public hearing, and notice of such public hearing shall be published at least one time in a newspaper having general circulation in Jefferson County not more than four nor less than two weeks prior to the date of such public hearing. The published notice of such public hearing shall state the intention of the Jefferson County Board of Health to establish or increase fees for the services in question, shall give the date, time, and place of the public hearing with respect thereto, and shall contain a description of such services together with a schedule of the fees to be charged therefor, including an identification of any increases to be made in fees theretofore established.