Any employee may be dismissed, suspended without pay, or demoted by the commission for, but not limited to, any violation of this article or whenever the good of the service will be served thereby or the employee's work, performance, conduct on the job, or insubordinate attitude so warrants; provided, however, that no employee may be suspended without pay for more than 15 working days at anyone time or for more than 30 working days in anyone year; and provided further, that no employee shall be dismissed, suspended without pay, or demoted for political considerations other than those enumerated in Section 45-22-120.13. Any person appointed to a position who shall have secured his or her certification therefor through fraud shall be removed by the commission and shall not thereafter be eligible for examination for or appointment to any position in the county service except by unanimous consent of the commission. Elected officials of the county shall carry out this section as such provisions shall relate to employees in their respective offices. The commission may authorize any department head or other supervisory employee to carry out this section, provided, however, that any action to terminate shall only be with the prior written order of the commission. The fact and extent of any other disciplinary action taken by any department head or other supervisory personnel shall promptly be reported to the commission and a record of the same shall be kept in the personnel file of the employee affected by such disciplinary action.