(a) Any active and contributing member of the Employees' Retirement System who is an employee of an employer participating in the system pursuant to Section 36-27-6, and whose current position was once excluded by the employer from participating in the system, may receive credit in the system for the period of full-time service for which his or her position was excluded by the employer from participating in the system, provided the member claiming the credit has been continuously employed by the employer since January 1, 1987, and the member performs and complies with the conditions prescribed in subsection (b).
(b) A member of the Employees' Retirement System eligible to purchase credit in the system under subsection (a) shall receive the credit after satisfying the following conditions:
(1) Within one year of October 1, 1998, the member shall contribute to the Employees' Retirement System for each year of credit claimed the full actuarially determined cost for each year of claimed service as determined by the system's actuary.
(2) The employer shall certify in writing to the Employees' Retirement System the dates of the period of full-time employment for which the member is claiming credit.