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U.S. State Codes
Title 36 - Public Officers ...
Chapter 27 - State Employee...
Article 1 - General Provisions.
Article 1 - General Provisions.
Section 36-27-1 - Definitions.
Section 36-27-2 - Creation; designation; purpose, powers, privileges, management, etc., thereof generally; powers, duties, etc., of Board of Control; immunity of state officers, etc.
Section 36-27-3 - Corporate powers generally.
Section 36-27-3.1 - Offset of rate increases.
Section 36-27-4 - Membership - Generally; denial of membership; absence from service; military service.
Section 36-27-4.1 - Membership - Purchase of service credit by member prohibited from participating because of age.
Section 36-27-5 - Membership - Members of Board of Pardons and Paroles; Director of Physical Fitness Department.
Section 36-27-5.1 - Participation of employees of regional or local legislative delegation office.
Section 36-27-6 - Participation of employees of counties, cities, towns, public or quasi-public organizations, etc. - Generally.
Section 36-27-6.1 - Participation of employees of counties, towns, public or quasi-public organizations, etc. - Purchase of service credit.
Section 36-27-6.2 - Participation of employees of counties, towns, public or quasi-public organizations, etc. - Purchase of credit for service in position previously excluded.
Section 36-27-6.3 - Purchase of credit for prior service as firefighter.
Section 36-27-6.4 - Purchase of credit for prior service with the Oxford Emergency Medical Services, Inc.
Section 36-27-7 - Participation of employees of counties, cities, towns, public or quasi-public organizations, etc. - Employees of Cooperative Extension Service of Auburn University under federal appointment.
Section 36-27-7.1 - Participation of employees of counties, cities, towns, public or quasi-public organizations, etc. - Certain retired employees of Cooperative Extension Service of Auburn University.
Section 36-27-7.2 - Reopening of Employees' Retirement System for purchase of prior service credit by active and contributing member of Cooperative Extension Service of Auburn University.
Section 36-27-8 - Continuation, etc., of participation in system by employee covered or retired under system who becomes director or employee of department; payment of matching contribution by department.
Section 36-27-8.1 - Optional retirement for previously retired state employees.
Section 36-27-8.2 - Performance of duties by retired persons; service in elected public office.
Section 36-27-9 - Payment of member's and employer's contributions for county engineers by State Department of Transportation.
Section 36-27-10 - Procedure for receipt of full credits for prior service and membership service in county by county engineers; procedure as to future service; administration of provisions.
Section 36-27-11 - Determination of prior creditable service; computation of creditable service at retirement; procedure for restoration of creditable service to certain persons; payment of makeup contributions by certain persons.
Section 36-27-12 - Transfer of service credits, etc., from Teachers' Retirement System of Alabama.
Section 36-27-12.1 - Transfer of service credits, etc., from Judicial Retirement Fund.
Section 36-27-13 - Granting of credit for years served as member of Legislature; maximum credit; payment of employee's contribution; applicability of provisions of section.
Section 36-27-14 - Granting of credit for service as officer or subordinate officer of Legislature; maximum credit; payment of employee's contribution; applicability of provisions of section.
Section 36-27-15 - Granting of credit for service as elected official of state or department head; maximum credit; payment of employee's contribution; applicability of provisions of section.
Section 36-27-15.1 - Granting of credit for service with National Youth Administration; payment of employee's contribution.
Section 36-27-15.2 - Granting of credit for out-of-state service, service as support employee or teachers' aide, Teachers' Corps service, and Job Corps service.
Section 36-27-16 - Retirement, etc., of employees; retirement allowances.
Section 36-27-16.1 - Cancellation of survivor allowance.
Section 36-27-16.2 - Nomination of recipient of surviving spouse benefits prior to date of retirement.
Section 36-27-16.3 - Effective date of benefits; additional costs of benefits; employers agreeing to come under provisions.
Section 36-27-17 - Redetermination of allowances due on or after October 1, 1975.
Section 36-27-18 - Retirement with not less than 30 years' creditable service.
Section 36-27-19 - Increase in maximum retirement allowance of certain state, etc., employees - 1969 10 percent increase.
Section 36-27-20 - Increase in maximum retirement allowance of certain state, etc., employees - 1971 five percent increase.
Section 36-27-21 - Increase in maximum retirement allowance of certain state, etc., employees - 1975 15 percent increase.
Section 36-27-21.1 - Increase in maximum retirement allowance of certain state, etc., employees - 1978 cost-of-living increase and cost-of-living increases thereafter.
Section 36-27-21.2 - Increase in maximum retirement allowance of certain state, etc., employees — 1980 cost-of-living increase.
Section 36-27-21.3 - Cost-of-living increases; funding.
Section 36-27-21.4 - Cost-of-living increase for persons whose date of retirement is prior to October 1, 1984; funding; eligibility where Medicaid eligibility would be impaired.
Section 36-27-21.5 - Cost-of-living increase for persons who retired before October 1, 1984; retirees under Judicial Retirement Fund ineligible; funding of increase; eligibility of persons retired from unit participating under Section 36-27-6; persons whose Medicaid benefits would be impaired are ineligible; construction with other laws.
Section 36-27-21.6 - Cost-of-living increases for retirees of public hospitals or related facilities formerly existing in county and not participating in retirement system.
Section 36-27-21.7 - Cost-of-living increases to certain retirees whose retirement is based on employer participation under Section 36-27-6; amounts; election by employer; construction of section.
Section 36-27-21.8 - Cost-of-living increases to retirees of quasi-public or private hospital which was previously public hospital.
Section 36-27-21.9 - Cost-of-living increases to retirees of public hospital which has withdrawn from participation.
Section 36-27-22 - Withholding of amounts from retirement pay of retired employee to pay premium on state group hospitalization or health insurance plan.
Section 36-27-23 - Board of Control; medical board, actuary.
Section 36-27-24 - Funds for assets of retirement system - Creation; composition; disposition of funds; appropriations.
Section 36-27-25 - Funds for assets of retirement system - Management.
Section 36-27-26 - Proposed legislation affecting system to be accompanied by actuarial estimate of cost.
Section 36-27-27 - Making of false statement, etc., for purpose of defrauding retirement system; correction of errors in records and payments to beneficiaries or members.
Section 36-27-28 - Exemption from execution; recovery actions.
Section 36-27-29 - Admissibility in evidence of photo-reproduced copies of records or documents maintained by system.
Section 36-27-30 - Applicability of other provisions of law pertaining to pensions or retirement benefits for state employees to members of state Employees' Retirement System.
Section 36-27-31 - Compliance with qualifications standards.