The employees of the state institution located at Tuscaloosa known as Hale Memorial Hospital shall be governed by personnel Merit System rules and regulations, the same as other employees in state service, as administered by the State Personnel Department. Employees of the hospital on December 8, 1967, who have been so employed for six months immediately preceding that date shall remain in their respective employments during good behavior; but nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent or preclude the removal of an employee for cause in the manner provided by law; and such employees, except for appointment, shall be subject fully to the provisions of the state Merit System Act and rules and regulations of the State Personnel Board. The provisions of this section shall not apply, however, to the medical director or members of the medical staff of the hospital other than nurses, nor to the administrator or business manager of the hospital nor to such custodial and laboring positions as may be designated by the State Personnel Department.