(a) For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed by this section:
(1) BOARD. The Board of Physical Therapy established by Section 34-24-192.
(2) FOREIGN EDUCATED PHYSICAL THERAPIST. A person trained or educated in the practice of physical therapy outside of the United States or any of its territorial possessions.
(3) IMPAIRED. The inability of a physical therapy licensee to practice physical therapy with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of illness, inebriation, excessive use of drugs, narcotics, alcohol, chemicals, or other substances, or as a result of any physical or mental condition.
(4) PHYSICAL THERAPY. The treatment of a human being by the use of exercise, massage, heat, cold, water, radiant energy, electricity, or sound for the purpose of correcting or alleviating any physical or mental condition or preventing the development of any physical or mental disability, or the performance of neuromuscular-skeletal tests and measurements to determine the existence and extent of body malfunction; provided, that physical therapy shall be practiced only upon the referral of a physician licensed to practice medicine or surgery, a dentist licensed to practice dentistry, a licensed chiropractor, a licensed assistant to a physician acting pursuant to a valid supervisory agreement, or a licensed certified registered nurse practitioner in a collaborative practice agreement with a licensed physician, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. Physical therapy does not include radiology or electrosurgery.
(5) PHYSICAL THERAPIST. A person who practices physical therapy.
(6) PHYSICAL THERAPY LICENSEE. A physical therapist or physical therapist assistant who is licensed under this article.
(7) PHYSIOTHERAPIST. Synonymous with the term "physical therapist," and the term shall be used to identify only those persons licensed under this article. The physical therapist may use the letters "P.T." or "R.P.T." in connection with his or her name or place of business to denote his or her registration hereunder.
(8) PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT. A person who assists in the practice of physical therapy and whose activities require an understanding of physical therapy but do not require professional or advanced training in the anatomical, biological, and physical sciences involved in the practice of physical therapy. The physical therapist assistant shall practice only under the direction of a licensed physical therapist.
(9) PHYSICAL THERAPY AIDE. A person trained under the direction of a physical therapist who performs designated and supervised routine tasks related to physical therapy services.
a. For a physical therapist, a license on which the board has placed restrictions or conditions, or both, as to the scope of practice, place of practice, supervision of practice, duration of licensed status, or type or condition of patient to whom the physical therapist may provide services.
b. For a physical therapist assistant, a license on which the board has placed any restriction.
(b) Words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine.