(a) The practice of medicine or osteopathy across state lines means the practice of medicine or osteopathy as defined in Section 34-24-50(1), as it applies to:
(1) The rendering of a written or otherwise documented medical opinion concerning the diagnosis or treatment of a patient located within this state by a physician located outside this state as a result of transmission of individual patient data by electronic or other means from within this state to such physician or his or her agent; or
(2) The rendering of treatment to a patient located within this state by a physician located outside this state as a result of transmission of individual patient data by electronic or other means from this state to such physician or his or her agent.
(3) This definition is not intended to include an informal consultation between a licensed physician located in this state and a physician located outside this state provided that the consultation is conducted without compensation to or the expectation of compensation to either physician and does not result in the formal rendering of a written or otherwise documented medical opinion concerning the diagnosis or treatment of a patient by the physician located outside the state.
(b) Board means the State Board of Medical Examiners created under Section 34-24-53.
(c) Commission means the Medical Licensure Commission created under Section 34-24-310.