The commission may deprive any pilot of his branch for a willful violation of his duties, or the orders or regulation of the commissioners, or for negligently losing or injuring any vessel in his charge; or when laboring under mental derangement or when so addicted to habits of intoxication as to be unfit to be intrusted with the charge of a vessel. Any pilot who fails to act as such for three months, or absents himself for 10 days at any one time from the Bay or Harbor of Mobile without leave of the commissioners, may be deprived of his branch. And if, while a vessel in the Bay or Harbor of Mobile is in charge of any civil officer by virtue of process from any court of record in this state, any pilot, with knowledge thereof, conducts or pilots such vessel out of the bay or harbor, he forfeits his branch, and is forever disqualified from acting as a pilot, and forfeits such sum of money as the jury may assess.