The Legislature of Alabama shall appropriate during each of its regular sessions, or during such other sessions as conditions may require, a sufficient sum of money, based upon estimates and recommendations of the Adjutant General and approved by the Governor, for the purpose of defraying all expenses necessary and incident to the operation and support, health, safety, welfare and morale of personnel assigned to headquarters and organizations of the Alabama National Guard, or for any other purpose that the Adjutant General may approve. There shall be annually allowed to commanders such sums as the Adjutant General may determine and the Governor may approve, such allowances to be paid quarterly, and based on administrative responsibility and the type and number of units occupying the facility. In order to secure such quarterly allowances, the commanders shall be required to render an accounting of all receipts and disbursements quarterly or for such period as the Adjutant General may require, such accounting of funds to be in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the Adjutant General and approved by the Governor.