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U.S. State Codes
Title 25 - Industrial Relat...
Chapter 4 - Unemployment Co...
Article 5 - Procedure for Claims for Benefits.
Article 5 - Procedure for Claims for Benefits.
Section 25-4-90 - Filing claims for benefits.
Section 25-4-91 - Determinations and redeterminations upon claims for benefits.
Section 25-4-92 - Appeals tribunals - Appointment; procedure; when decisions final.
Section 25-4-93 - Appeals tribunals - Power to affirm, modify or set aside decision; notification of parties.
Section 25-4-94 - Powers and duties of board of appeals for Department of Labor.
Section 25-4-95 - Appeals from final decisions of board of appeals or appeals tribunal.
Section 25-4-96 - Procedure exclusive.
Section 25-4-97 - Powers of appeals tribunal, board of appeals and officers of Department of Labor as to witnesses; witness fees.