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U.S. State Codes
Title 23 - Highways, Roads,...
Chapter 1 - Alabama Highways.
Article 2 - Department of Transportation.
Article 2 - Department of Transportation.
Section 23-1-20 - Creation.
Section 23-1-21 - Director of Transportation.
Section 23-1-21.1 - Definitions.
Section 23-1-21.2 - Authority of director with regard to public transportation.
Section 23-1-21.3 - Cooperation with federal, state and local entities in administration of public transportation programs.
Section 23-1-21.4 - Deputy directors.
Section 23-1-22 - Chief engineer - Office created; appointment, salary, expenses, and bond; applicability of Merit System.
Section 23-1-23 - Chief engineer - Qualifications.
Section 23-1-24 - Chief engineer - Duties.
Section 23-1-25 - Legal division - Creation; appointment of chief counsel.
Section 23-1-26 - Legal division - Appointment of assistant counsel; chief and assistant counsel to be commissioned and take oath as assistant attorneys general.
Section 23-1-27 - Legal division - Salaries.
Section 23-1-28 - Legal division - Offices, etc.; expenses.
Section 23-1-29 - Legal division - Charging of salaries and expenses.
Section 23-1-30 - Legal division - Functions and duties.
Section 23-1-31 - Legal division - Private practice prohibited.
Section 23-1-32 - Offices; director full-time position.
Section 23-1-33 - Official records of department; appointment of assistants and personnel.
Section 23-1-34 - Copies of plans and specifications to be kept; files and records open to public inspection; records as evidence.
Section 23-1-35 - Annual report to Governor.
Section 23-1-36 - Employees used on transferred county roads and bridges.
Section 23-1-37 - Use of convict labor.
Section 23-1-38 - Paying expenses of nonemployees prohibited.
Section 23-1-39 - Seal; power to administer oaths, etc.
Section 23-1-40 - (Effective November 22, 2018) Duties and powers generally.
Section 23-1-41 - Self-insurance program for department employees.
Section 23-1-42 - Roads, etc., located on state institutions.
Section 23-1-43 - State agricultural experiment station roads.
Section 23-1-44 - Right of entry for purpose of making surveys and taking soil samples.
Section 23-1-45 - Acquisition of rights-of-way.
Section 23-1-46 - Changes or additions to state road system.
Section 23-1-47 - Authority to maintain, etc., city and town streets and roads.
Section 23-1-48 - Application by counties for construction or maintenance of state road or bridge.
Section 23-1-49 - Furnishing of competent engineers.
Section 23-1-50 - Authority to procure equipment; payment of expenses.
Section 23-1-50.1 - Road machinery and equipment management program; Equipment Management Surplus Reserve Account.
Section 23-1-51 - Purchase of motor fuels, oils, greases, and lubricants.
Section 23-1-52 - License exemption for vehicles of department.
Section 23-1-53 - Contracts to do work - Authority.
Section 23-1-54 - Contracts to do work - How drawn and approved.
Section 23-1-55 - Contracts to do work - Preconditions.
Section 23-1-56 - Contracts to do work - Qualification of bidders.
Section 23-1-57 - Agreements and contracts with adjoining states and federal government relative to bridges.
Section 23-1-58 - Interest of employees, etc., in construction, etc., of roads and bridges prohibited.
Section 23-1-59 - Rules and regulations of department.
Section 23-1-60 - Authority of Director of Transportation to alter plans or character of work, determine need for extra work, make supplemental agreements, etc.
Section 23-1-61 - State Highway Fund - Appropriations; vehicle license fees deposited in fund; manner of making payments from fund.
Section 23-1-62 - State Highway Fund - Purposes for which used.
Section 23-1-63 - Limitation of obligations, etc., outstanding or authorized on inauguration date of incoming Governor.
Section 23-1-64 - Disposal of surplus personal property - Department to be responsible for disposal; sale at fair market value and payment; preferences; notification by municipalities and counties.
Section 23-1-65 - Disposal of surplus personal property - Availability; list of surplus property.
Section 23-1-66 - Disposal of surplus personal property - Sale procedures.