It shall be unlawful and a violation of this chapter to drill a water well within the State of Alabama unless the following provisions are complied with:
(1) The driller of the water well shall be licensed as provided in Section 22-24-5.
(2) The driller shall, at all times during the drilling of a water well, keep posted in a conspicuous location, at or near the well being drilled or on his person, the appropriate license certificate as furnished by the board.
(3) Before the commencement of the drilling operation, the driller shall file an application of intent to drill a water well, as directed by the board.
(4) The driller of the well, within 30 days after completion of the drilling of each water well, shall deliver to the board, upon forms to be supplied by the board, a "report of well drilled." The board shall notify the local health authorities within seven days of the receipt thereof.
(5) The driller shall furnish a log and a set of samples to the State Geological Survey from wells specifically designated by the board or State Geologist. The samples shall be collected during the drilling at intervals of not more than 10 feet.