For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
(1) ADVANCED EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN. Any person 18 years of age or older who satisfies all of the following:
a. Has successfully completed the advanced emergency medical technician course of instruction, or its equivalent, as approved by the State Board of Health.
b. Has passed the state Advanced EMT examination, as well as having met the requirements for becoming a licensed emergency medical technician.
c. Has been granted a license by the State Board of Health.
(2) ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT (ALS). The treatment of potentially life-threatening medical emergencies through the use of invasive medical techniques specified as advanced life support techniques by the Board of Health, which ordinarily would be performed or provided by licensed physicians, but which may be performed by emergency medical service personnel during emergencies under constraints specified by rule of the board.
(3) AIR AMBULANCE. An aircraft that is intended to be used for and is maintained or operated for transportation to a medical care facility of persons who are sick or injured. For the purposes of this chapter, fixed-wing aircraft that do not conduct scene flights shall not be considered air ambulances.
(4) BASIC LIFE SUPPORT (BLS). Prehospital care involving non-invasive life support measures as specified by the board.
(5) BOARD or BOARD OF HEALTH. The State Board of Health.
(6) DEPARTMENT. The Alabama Department of Public Health.
(7) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS). A system of coordinated response to provide prehospital emergency aid and medical assistance from primary response to definitive care, involving personnel trained in the rescue, stabilization, transportation, and treatment of sick or injured persons.
(8) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PERSONNEL (EMSP). The collective term used to refer to licensed emergency medical technicians, emergency medical technicians intermediate, advanced emergency medical technicians, paramedics, and any level of licensure as recognized by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for individuals who provide emergency medical services or who initiate immediate lifesaving care.
(9) EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN (EMT). Any person 18 years of age or older who satisfies all of the following:
a. Has successfully completed the basic emergency medical technician course of instruction, or its equivalent, as approved by the Board of Health.
b. Has passed the state EMT examination.
c. Has been granted a license by the Board of Health.
(10) GROUND AMBULANCE. A motor vehicle that is intended to be used for and is maintained or operated for transportation to a medical care facility of persons who are sick or injured.
(11) LICENSED EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN-INTERMEDIATE. Any person 18 years of age or older who, prior to December 31, 2002, satisfies all of the following:
a. Has successfully completed the intermediate emergency medical technician course of instruction, or its equivalent, as approved by the Board of Health.
b. Has passed the state EMT Intermediate examination, as well as having met the requirements for becoming a licensed emergency medical technician.
c. has been granted a license by the Board of Health.
(12) NON-TRANSPORT VEHICLE. A vehicle operated with the intent to provide BLS or ALS stabilization on scene, but not intended to transport a patient to a medical care facility.
(13) PARAMEDIC. Any person 18 years of age or older who has successfully completed the paramedic course of instruction, or its equivalent, as approved by the Board of Health, and passed the state EMT-paramedic examination, and who has been granted a license by the Board of Health.
(14) PATIENT. An individual who receives or requests medical care, or for whom medical care is requested, because the individual is sick or injured.
(15) PHYSICIAN. An individual licensed to practice medicine by the Medical Licensure Commission of Alabama.
(16) PROVIDER SERVICE. An organization, whether public or private, which provides transport or non-transport emergency medical services.
(17) SCENE FLIGHT. The flight of an air ambulance to the physical location of a sick or injured person.
(18) TRANSPORT VEHICLE. An air or ground ambulance.