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U.S. State Codes
Title 2 - Agriculture.
Chapter 5A - Farmers' Marke...
Article 2 - Bond Issuance Authorized.
Article 2 - Bond Issuance Authorized.
Section 2-5A-30 - Definitions.
Section 2-5A-31 - Authorization to issue bonds.
Section 2-5A-32 - Execution and other details of bonds.
Section 2-5A-33 - Sale of bonds.
Section 2-5A-34 - Security for bonds.
Section 2-5A-35 - Refunding bonds.
Section 2-5A-36 - Establishment of debt service reserve fund.
Section 2-5A-37 - Investment of proceeds from bond sales.
Section 2-5A-38 - Property of authority exempt from taxation.
Section 2-5A-39 - Maintaining federal tax-exempt status.