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U.S. State Codes
Title 2 - Agriculture.
Chapter 13 - Milk and Dairy...
Article 1 - General Provisions.
Article 1 - General Provisions.
Section 2-13-1 - Definitions.
Section 2-13-2 - Purpose of article; power of board.
Section 2-13-4 - Adding or blending fat or oil with milk or cream.
Section 2-13-5 - Sanitation of premises and utensils.
Section 2-13-6 - Utensils to be cleaned by purchaser.
Section 2-13-7 - Milk from diseased cows; unsanitary premises or utensils.
Section 2-13-8 - Businesses for which permit from commissioner required; duration; application; filing fee.
Section 2-13-9 - License for operation of testing apparatus.
Section 2-13-10 - Use of standard test required.
Section 2-13-11 - Ice cream defined and standardized.
Section 2-13-12 - Adulterated ice cream.
Section 2-13-13 - Misbranded ice cream.
Section 2-13-14 - Requirements relative to milk and cream tests.
Section 2-13-15 - Annual reports of creameries, milk plants, etc.
Section 2-13-16 - Imitation butter and imitation cheese defined.
Section 2-13-17 - Substitutes for butter and cheese - Required stamping or marking on containers.
Section 2-13-18 - Substitutes for butter and cheese - Statement required to accompany sale; transportation through state.
Section 2-13-19 - Substitutes for butter and cheese - Possession of substitutes; use of certain words or representations in sale or advertisement.
Section 2-13-20 - Substitutes for butter and cheese - Sale of substitutes tending to deceive public.
Section 2-13-21 - Renovated butter.
Section 2-13-22 - Applicability of laws relative to inspection, suspension from sale, seizure, etc.