The court in condemnation proceedings shall sell the right of all interested persons in and to said conveyance or vehicle who aided or assisted any such person as described in Section 13A-12-70 in the illegal transportation or who had knowledge or notice thereof, or who had knowledge of the presence thereof in said vehicle or conveyance, or who could by reasonable diligence have obtained knowledge or notice thereof. Any bona fide bailor or conditional vendor or chattel mortgagee who shall, prior to bailing, selling or accepting a mortgage upon such conveyance or vehicle, make inquiry of the sheriff and chief of police of the county and city of the residence of such bailee, vendee or mortgagor and of the sheriff and chief of police of the county and city of the place of business of the bailor, vendor or mortgagee, or of any recognized or licensed agency which makes a systematic check of court records of convictions for violations of the law and furnishes credit reports, and in answer to such inquiry shall be informed in writing that the prospective bailee, conditional vendee or mortgagor has no reputation as a person who has been engaged in operating or connected with lotteries, gambling or gaming and that such person has not according to their records been convicted of a violation of any of the laws of this state, any other state or of any municipal ordinance relating to gaming, gambling or lotteries, shall be presumed to be entitled to such conveyance or vehicle or to be protected to the extent of his interest therein.