§ 51.5 - Identification of animals to be destroyed because of brucellosis.

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The claimant shall be responsible for insuring that any animal for which indemnity is claimed shall be identified in accordance with the provisions of this section within 15 days after having been classified as a reactor or for any other animal subject to this part within 15 days after having been condemned. The veterinarian in charge may extend the time limit to 30 days when a request for such extension is received by him prior to the expiration date of the original 15 day period allowed, and when he determines that the extension will not adversely affect the brucellosis eradication program; and except further, that the Administrator shall upon request in specific cases, extend the time limit beyond the 30-day period when unusual or unforeseen circumstances occur which prevent or hinder the identification of the animals within the 30-day period, such as, but not limited to, floods, storms, or other Acts of God which are beyond the control of the owner, or when identification is delayed due to requirements of another Federal Agency.

Except as provided in paragraph (b)(4) of this section, cattle and bison to be destroyed because of brucellosis shall be individually identified prior to moving interstate by attaching to the left ear a metal tag bearing a serial number and the inscription “U.S. Reactor,” or a similar State reactor tag, and must be:

“B” branded (as defined in § 78.1); or

Accompanied directly to slaughter by an APHIS or State representative; or

Moved in vehicles closed with official seals applied and removed by an APHIS representative, State representative, accredited veterinarian, or an individual authorized for this purpose by an APHIS representative. The official seal numbers must be recorded on the accompanying permit.

Reactor and exposed cattle and bison in herds scheduled for herd depopulation may be moved interstate without eartagging or branding if they are identified by USDA approved backtags and either accompanied directly to slaughter by an APHIS or State representative or moved directly to slaughter in vehicles closed with official seals. Such official seals must be applied and removed by an APHIS representative, State representative, accredited veterinarian, or an individual authorized for this purpose by an APHIS representative.

Swine shall be individually identified by tagging with a metal tag bearing a serial number and inscription “U.S. Reactor” or a similar State reactor tag or other identification approved by the Administrator, upon request in specific cases, attached to the left ear of each animal.