General. Separate applications must be submitted for RES and EEI projects. An original of each application is required.
Application content. Applications for RES projects or EEI projects must contain the information specified in § 4280.117 unless the requirements of either § 4280.118(a) or § 4280.119(a) are met. If the requirements of § 4280.118(a) are met, the application may contain the information specified in § 4280.118(b). If the requirements of § 4280.119(a) are met, the application may contain the information specified in § 4280.119(b).
Evaluation of applications. The Agency will evaluate each RES and EEI grant application and make a determination as to whether:
The application is complete, as defined in § 4280.103;
The Applicant is eligible according to § 4280.112;
The project is eligible according to § 4280.113; and
The proposed project has technical merit as determined under § 4280.116.