Determining the fair market value of the agricultural land easement. (1) The Federal share will not exceed 50 percent of the fair market value of the agricultural land easement, as determined using:
An appraisal using the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices or the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions,
An areawide market analysis or survey, or
Another industry-approved method approved by NRCS.
Prior to receiving funds for an agricultural land easement, the eligible entity must provide NRCS with an acceptable determination of the fair market value of the agricultural land easements that conforms to applicable industry standards and NRCS specifications and meets the requirements of this part.
If the value of the easement is determined using an appraisal, the appraisal must be completed and signed by a State-certified general appraiser and must contain a disclosure statement by the appraiser. The appraisal must conform to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices or the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions as selected by the eligible entity.
If the fair market value of the easement is determined using an areawide market analysis or survey, the areawide market analysis or survey must be completed and signed by a person determined by NRCS to have professional expertise and knowledge of agricultural land values in the area subject to the areawide market analysis or survey. The use of areawide market analysis or survey must be approved by NRCS prior to entering a ALE-agreement.
Requests to use another industry-approved method must be submitted to NRCS and approved by NRCS prior to entering into the ALE-agreement . NRCS will identify the applicable industry standards and any associated NRCS specifications based on the methodology approved.
NRCS will review for quality assurance purposes, appraisals, areawide market analysis or surveys, valuation reports, or other information resulting from another industry-approved method approved for use by NRCS. Eligible entities must provide a copy of the applicable report or other information used to establish the fair market value of the agricultural land easement to NRCS at least 90 days prior to the planned date of easement execution and payment of easement compensation to the landowner.
Prior to the eligible entity's purchase of the easement, including payment of easement compensation to the landowner, NRCS must approve the determination of the fair market value of the agricultural land easement upon which the Federal share will be determined.
The landowner may make a charitable donation for a qualified conservation contribution (as defined by Section 170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) to the eligible entity as provided in paragraph (b) of this section.
Determining the Federal share of the agricultural land easement. (1) Subject to the statutory limits, NRCS may provide up to 50 percent of the fair market value of the agricultural land easement. An eligible entity will share in the cost of purchasing an agricultural land easement in an amount that is at least equivalent to the Federal share.
An eligible entity may include as part of its share a charitable donation or qualified conservation contribution (as defined by section 170(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) from the landowner if the eligible entity contributes its own cash resources in an amount that is at least 50 percent of the amount of the Federal share.
NRCS may authorize a waiver to increase the Federal share of the cost an agricultural land easement to an amount not to exceed 75 percent of the fair market value of the agricultural land easement if:
NRCS determines the lands to be enrolled are grasslands of special environmental significance as defined in this part,
An eligible entity will share in the cost of purchasing an agricultural land easement in an amount that is no less than 33.33 percent of the Federal share. The eligible entity share may include a qualified landowner contribution if the eligible entity contributes its own cash resources in an amount that is at least 16.67 percent of the Federal share, and
The eligible entity agrees to incorporate and enforce the additional necessary deed restrictions to manage and enforce the easement to ensure the grasslands of special environmental significance attributes are protected.
NRCS may waive a portion of the applicable eligible entity cash contribution requirement for enrollments that NRCS determines are of projects of special significance, including ALE enrollments that have received a waiver as grasslands of special environmental significance waiver. The waiver of the entity cash contribution does not result in an increase in the applicable Federal share and may only be authorized if NRCS determines the parcel is a project of special significance and NRCS determines that—
The transaction is subject to an increase in the private landowner donation that is equal to the amount of the waiver,
The increase in the landowner donation is voluntary,
The property is in active agricultural production,
The agricultural land easement plan will address the protection of the attributes resulting in the parcel being a project of special significance, and
The eligible entity contributes its own cash resources in an amount that is:
For projects of special significance that are not grasslands of special environmental significance, at least 25 percent of the amount of the Federal share, or at least 10 percent of the Federal share in States that offer a State tax credit for a qualified conservation contribution on agricultural land; and
For enrollment on lands that has received a grasslands of special environmental significance waiver, at least 8.33 percent of the amount of the Federal share, or at least 3.33 percent of the Federal share in States that offer a State tax credit for a qualified conservation contribution on agricultural land.
The parcel must meet definition of project of special significance and meet one or more of the following national criteria. The parcel is:
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places or is a traditional cultural property;
Located within a micropolitan statistical area and 50 percent of the adjacent land is agricultural land;
Located within a metropolitan statistical area;
An education or demonstration farm or ranch focused on agricultural production and natural resource conservation;
A farm or ranch operated for the purpose of increasing participation in agriculture and natural resource conservation by underserved communities, veterans, beginning farmers or ranchers, or disabled farmers or ranchers;
Officially designated as having been in the same family ownership for over 100 years; or
One of several parcels within a special project area being offered for enrollment in that fiscal year that are being protected pursuant to a comprehensive plan approved by the State Conservationist, with input from the State Technical Committee, for the permanent protection of a large block of farm or ranch land;
Part of a comprehensive plan to facilitate transfers to new and beginning farmers approved by the State Conservationist, with input from the State Technical Committee, for the permanent protection of a block of farm or ranch land that, if implemented, will facilitate the transfer of farmland to a next generation farmer;
Subject of a conservation buyer transaction where a member of an underserved community, veteran, beginning farmer or rancher, or a disabled farmer or rancher has a valid purchase and sale agreement to acquire the property subject to an agricultural land easement;
Parcel has an existing NRCS Resource Management System (RMS) level plan with NRCS conservation practices applied or under contract to be applied in accordance with NRCS standards and specifications, and the landowner has agreed that the ALE plan will be developed at the RMS level in accordance with the purposes for which the ALE easement is being acquired; or
Meets the definition of grassland of special environmental significance.
Uses of NRCS ACEP-ALE funds. (1) ACEP-ALE funds may not be used for eligible entity expenditures for appraisals, areawide market analysis, legal surveys, access, title clearance or title insurance, legal fees, development of agricultural land easement plans or component plans by the eligible entity, costs of easement monitoring, and other related administrative and transaction costs incurred by the eligible entity.
NRCS will conduct its own technical and administrative review of appraisals, areawide market analysis, or other easement valuation reports and its hazardous materials reviews.
NRCS may provide technical assistance to develop an agricultural land easement plan or component plans or may provide ACEP-ALE funds to technical service providers (TSP) under 7 CFR part 652 to develop the agricultural land easement plan or component easement plans.