The priority rating on a rated order may be changed or canceled by:
An official action of USDA; or
Written notification from the person who placed the rated order.
If an unrated order is amended so as to make it a rated order, or a DO rating is changed to a DX rating, the supplier must give the appropriate preferential treatment to the order as of the date the change is received by the supplier.
An amendment to a rated order that significantly alters a supplier's original production or delivery schedule constitutes a new rated order as of the date of its receipt. The supplier must accept or reject the amended order according to the provisions of § 789.13.
The following amendments do not constitute a new rated order:
A change in shipping destination;
A reduction in the total amount of the order;
An increase in the total amount of the order that has a negligible impact upon deliveries;
A minor variation in size or design; or
A change that is agreed upon between the supplier and the customer.
If a person no longer needs items or services to fill a rated order, any rated orders placed with suppliers for the items or services, or the priority rating on those orders, must be canceled.
When a priority rating is added to an unrated order, or is changed or canceled, all suppliers must be promptly notified in writing.