The Administrator is authorized to withdraw certification of a State mediation program, terminate or suspend the grant to such program, require a return of unspent grant funds, a reimbursement of grant funds on account of expenditures that are not allowed, and may impose any other penalties or sanctions authorized by law if the Administrator determines that:
The State's mediation program, at any time, does not meet the requirements for certification;
The mediation program is not being operated in a manner consistent with the features of the program certified by the State, with applicable regulations, or the grant agreement;
Costs that are not allowed under § 785.4(b) are being paid out of grant funds;
The mediation program fails to grant access to mediation records for purposes specified in § 785.8; or
Reports submitted by the State pursuant to § 785.7 are false, contain misrepresentations or material omissions, or are otherwise misleading.
In the event that FSA gives notice to the State of its intent to enforce any withdrawal of certification or other penalty for non-compliance, USDA agencies will cease to participate in any mediation conducted by the State's mediation program immediately upon delivery of such notice to the State.