Summary report U.S. pecans received for your own account. Handlers shall submit to the Council, by the tenth day of the month, a summary report of inshell domestic pecans received during the preceding month. Should the tenth day of the month fall on a weekend or holiday, reports are due by the first business day following the tenth day of the month. The report shall be submitted to the Council on APC Form 1 and contain the following information:
The name and address of the handler;
The month covered by the report;
The total weight and type of inshell pecans received, and the weight by variety for improved pecans received during the reporting period;
The total weight and type of inshell pecans received, and the weight by variety for improved pecans received year to date; and,
Assessments due on pecans received during the reporting period to be paid by the due date of the report.
Pecans purchased outside the United States. Handlers shall submit to the Council, by the tenth day of the month, a summary report of shelled and inshell pecans imported during the preceding month. Should the tenth day of the month fall on a weekend or holiday, reports are due by the first business day following the tenth day of the month. The report shall be submitted to the Council on APC Form 6 and contain the following information:
The name and address of the handler;
The month covered by the report;
The date the pecans were imported;
The country of origin; and,
The total weight of shelled and inshell pecans received, and the weight by variety for improved pecans received.