Each nonsupervisory and leader regular wage schedule shall have 15 grades, which shall be designated as follows:
WG means an appropriated fund nonsupervisory grade;
WL means an appropriated fund leader grade;
NA means a nonappropriated fund nonsupervisory grade; and
NL means a nonappropriated fund leader grade.
Each supervisory regular wage schedule shall have 19 grades, which shall be designated as follows:
WS means an appropriated fund supervisory grade; and
NS means a nonappropriated fund supervisory grade.
The step 2 or payline rate for each grade of a leader regular wage schedule shall be equal to 110 percent of the rate for step 2 of the corresponding grade of the nonsupervisory regular wage schedule for the area.
The step 2 or payline rate for each grade of an appropriated fund supervisory regular wage schedule shall be:
For grades WS-1 through WS-10, equal to the rate for step 2 of the corresponding grade of the nonsupervisory regular wage schedule for the area, plus 30 percent of the rate for step 2 of WG-10;
For grades WS-11 through WS-18, the second rate of WS-10, plus 5, 11.5, 19.6, 29.2, 40.3, 52.9, 67.1, and 82.8 percent, respectively, of the difference between the step 2 rates of WS-10 and WS-19; and
For grade WS-19, the third rate in effect for General Schedule grade GS-14 at the time of the area wage schedule adjustment. The WS-19 rate shall include any cost of living allowance payable for the area under 5 U.S.C. 5941.
The step 2 or payline rate for each grade of a nonappropriated fund supervisory regular wage schedule shall be:
For grades NS-1 through NS-8, equal to the rate for step 2 of the corresponding grade of the nonsupervisory regular wage schedule for the area, plus 20 percent of the rate for step 2 of NA-8;
For grades NS-9 through NS-15, equal to 120 percent of the rate for step 2 of the corresponding grade of the nonsupervisory regular wage schedule for the area;
For grades NS-16 through NS-19, the rates will be 25, 30, 35 and 40 percent, respectively, above the step 2 rate of NA-15;
The number of within-grade steps and the differentials between steps for each nonsupervisory grade on a regular wage schedule shall be established in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 5343(e)(1). Each grade on a leader and supervisory regular wage schedule shall have 5 within-grade steps with step 2 set according to paragraphs (c), (d), or (e) of this section, as appropriate, and—
Step 1 set at 96 percent of the step 2 rate;
Step 3 set at 104 percent of the step 2 rate;
Step 4 set at 108 percent of the step 2 rate; and
Step 5 set at 112 percent of the step 2 rate.