A proprietor who produces nonbeverage wine or wine products shall maintain a record by transaction date of such wine produced, received and withdrawn as follows:
The kind, volume, and percent alcohol by volume of wine or wine products made from wine, which was rendered unfit for beverage use;
The kind and quantity of materials received and used to render wine, or wine products made from wine, unfit for beverage use;
The name, volume, percent alcohol by volume, and formula number, if produced under a formula, of each nonbeverage wine or wine product produced;
The volume, percent alcohol by volume, and formula number, if applicable, of the nonbeverage wine or wine products received;
The volume, percent alcohol by volume, and formula number, if applicable, of the nonbeverage wine or wine products removed;
The name and address of the person to whom removed; however, on any individual sale of less than 80 liters the name and address of the purchaser need not be recorded; and
In the case of vinegar production, the acetic acid and ethyl alcohol content of the vinegar.