Pursuant to the provisions of the act of March 13, 1928 (45 Stat. 312) the contract executed between the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District of New Mexico and the United States under date of December 14, 1928, the official plan approved pursuant thereto, as modified, and the terms of section 24 of a contract between said parties dated September 4, 1936, dealing among other things with the payment of operation and maintenance and betterment assessments by the United States to the District, and section 24 of a similar contract dated April 8, 1938 executed by the representative of the United States, on this date, it is found that a total of 20,242.05 acres of Pueblo Indian lands of the Pueblos of Cochiti, Santo Domingo, San Felipe, Santa Ana, Sandia and Isleta is susceptible of economic irrigation and cultivation and is materially benefited by the works constructed by said District. This acreage is designated as follows: