Selection of PAE. HUD will select qualified PAEs in accordance with the criteria established in 513(b) of MAHRA and criteria established by HUD. The selection method is within HUD's discretion, including but not limited to a request for qualifications.
Priority for public agencies. HUD will provide a one-time priority period for State housing finance agencies and local housing agencies to qualify as the PAEs for their jurisdictions. If more than one agency qualifies for the same jurisdiction, HUD will provide an opportunity for the agencies to allocate responsibility for projects in the jurisdiction. If the agencies are unable to agree, HUD will choose a PAE in accordance with section 513(b)(2) of MAHRA.
Qualification for PAE by nonprofit and for-profit entities. After the priority period expires, HUD will consider other eligible entities as PAEs for jurisdictions in which no public agency has qualified as the PAE, or for projects that have not been assigned to a qualified public agency.
No PAE for project. If HUD does not select a PAE for a project, HUD may perform the functions of the PAE, or contract with other qualified entities to perform those functions.