To be eligible to receive career services as a dislocated worker in the adult and dislocated worker programs, an individual must meet the definition of “dislocated worker” at WIOA sec. 3(15). Eligibility criteria for training services are found at § 680.210.
Governors and Local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) may establish policies and procedures for one-stop centers to use in determining an individual's eligibility as a dislocated worker, consistent with the definition at WIOA sec. 3(15). These policies and procedures may address such conditions as:
What constitutes a “general announcement” of plant closing under WIOA sec. 3(15)(B)(ii) or (iii);
What constitutes “unemployed as a result of general economic conditions in the community in which the individual resides or because of natural disasters” for determining the eligibility of self-employed individuals, including family members and farm workers or ranch hands, under WIOA sec. 3(15)(C); and
What constitutes “unlikely to return to a previous industry or occupation” under WIOA sec. 3(15)(A)(iii), consistent with § 680.660.