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U.S. Code of Federal Regula...
Title 20—Employees' Benefits
§ 680.100 - What is the role of the adult and dislocated worker programs in the one-stop delivery system?
§ 680.110 - When must adults and dislocated workers be registered and considered a participant?
§ 680.120 - What are the eligibility criteria for career services for adults in the adult and dislocated worker programs?
§ 680.130 - What are the eligibility criteria for career services for dislocated workers in the adult and dislocated worker programs?
§ 680.140 - What Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act title I adult and dislocated worker services are Local Workforce Development Boards required and permitted to provide?
§ 680.150 - What career services must be provided to adults and dislocated workers?
§ 680.160 - How are career services delivered?
§ 680.170 - What is the individual employment plan?
§ 680.180 - What is an internship or work experience for adults and dislocated workers?
§ 680.190 - What is a transitional job?
§ 680.195 - What funds may be used for transitional jobs?
§ 680.200 - What are training services for adults and dislocated workers?
§ 680.210 - Who may receive training services?
§ 680.220 - Are there particular career services an individual must receive before receiving training services under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act?
§ 680.230 - What are the requirements for coordination of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act training funds and other grant assistance?
§ 680.300 - How are training services provided?
§ 680.310 - Can the duration and amount of Individual Training Accounts be limited?
§ 680.320 - Under what circumstances may mechanisms other than Individual Training Accounts be used to provide training services?
§ 680.330 - How can Individual Training Accounts, supportive services, and needs-related payments be used to support placing participating adults and dislocated workers into a registered apprenticeship program and support participants once they are in a registered apprenticeship program?
§ 680.340 - What are the requirements for consumer choice?
§ 680.350 - May Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act title I adult and dislocated worker funds be used to directly support adult education and literacy activities?
§ 680.400 - What is the purpose of this subpart?
§ 680.410 - What is an eligible training provider?
§ 680.420 - What is a “program of training services”?
§ 680.430 - Who is responsible for managing the training provider eligibility process?
§ 680.440 - What is the initial eligibility process for new providers and programs?
§ 680.450 - What is the initial eligibility process for new providers and programs?
§ 680.460 - What is the application procedure for continued eligibility?
§ 680.470 - What are the procedures for including and removing registered apprenticeship programs on a State list of eligible training providers and programs?
§ 680.480 - May an eligible training provider lose its eligibility?
§ 680.490 - What kind of performance and cost information must eligible training providers other than registered apprenticeship programs provide for each program of training services?
§ 680.500 - How is the State list of eligible training providers and programs disseminated?
§ 680.510 - In what ways can a Local Workforce Development Board supplement the information available from the State list of eligible training providers and programs?
§ 680.520 - May individuals choose training providers and programs located outside of the local area or outside of the State?
§ 680.530 - What eligibility requirements apply to providers of on-the-job-training, customized training, incumbent worker training, and other training exceptions?
§ 680.600 - What priority must be given to low-income adults and public assistance recipients and individuals who are basic skills deficient served with adult funds under title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act?
§ 680.610 - Does the statutory priority for use of adult funds also apply to dislocated worker funds?
§ 680.620 - How does the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program relate to the one-stop delivery system?
§ 680.630 - How does a displaced homemaker qualify for services under title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act?
§ 680.640 - May an individual with a disability whose family does not meet income eligibility criteria under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act be eligible for priority as a low-income adult?
§ 680.650 - Do veterans receive priority of service under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act?
§ 680.660 - Are separating military service members eligible for dislocated worker activities under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act?
§ 680.700 - What are the requirements for on-the-job training?
§ 680.710 - What are the requirements for on-the-job training contracts for employed workers?
§ 680.720 - What conditions govern on-the-job training payments to employers?
§ 680.730 - Under what conditions may a Governor or Local Workforce Development Board raise the on-the-job training reimbursement rate up to 75 percent of the wage rate?
§ 680.740 - How can on-the-job training funds be used to support placing participants into a registered apprenticeship program?
§ 680.750 - Can Individual Training Account and on-the-job training funds be combined to support placing participants into a registered apprenticeship program?
§ 680.760 - What is customized training?
§ 680.770 - What are the requirements for customized training for employed workers?
§ 680.780 - Who is an “incumbent worker” for purposes of statewide and local employment and training activities?
§ 680.790 - What is incumbent worker training?
§ 680.800 - What funds may be used for incumbent worker training?
§ 680.810 - What criteria must be taken into account for an employer to be eligible to receive local incumbent worker training funds?
§ 680.820 - Are there cost sharing requirements for local area incumbent worker training?
§ 680.830 - May funds provided to employers for work-based training be used to assist, promote, or deter union organizing?
§ 680.840 - May funds provided to employers for work-based training and other work experiences be used to fill job openings as a result of a labor dispute?
§ 680.900 - What are supportive services for adults and dislocated workers?
§ 680.910 - When may supportive services be provided to participants?
§ 680.920 - Are there limits on the amount or duration of funds for supportive services?
§ 680.930 - What are needs-related payments?
§ 680.940 - What are the eligibility requirements for adults to receive needs-related payments?
§ 680.950 - What are the eligibility requirements for dislocated workers to receive needs-related payments?
§ 680.960 - May needs-related payments be paid while a participant is waiting to start training classes?
§ 680.970 - How is the level of needs-related payments determined?