If a complaint is not resolved by the center operator or service provider in the time frames described in § 670.990, the person making the complaint may request that the Regional Director determine whether reasonable cause exists to believe that the Act or regulations for this part of the Act have been violated. The request must be filed with the Regional Director within 60 days from the date that the center operator or service provider should have issued the decision.
Following the receipt of a request for review under paragraph (a) of this section, the Regional Director must determine within 60 days whether there has been a violation of the Act or the WIA regulations. If the Regional Director determines that there has been a violation of the Act or Regulations, (s)he may direct the operator or service provider to remedy the violation or direct the service provider to issue a decision to resolve the dispute according to the service provider's grievance procedures. If the service provider does not comply with the Regional Director's decision within 30 days, the Regional Director may impose a sanction on the center operator or service provider for violating the Act or regulations, and/or for failing to issue a decision. Decisions imposing sanctions upon a center operator or service provider may be appealed to the DOL Office of Administrative Law Judges under 20 CFR 667.800 or 667.840.