The claimant's relationship as the wife or husband of an employee is determined when the claimant applies for an annuity, or when there is a claim which would include a husband or wife in the computation of the social security overall minimum provision, or when a claim is filed for a lump-sum payment. If a deemed marriage (see § 222.14) is to be determined, the husband, wife, or widow(er) must also be found to be or to have been living in the same household as the employee (see § 222.16).
The claimant's relationship as the widow(er) of an employee is determined as of the date on which the employee died. If the claimant applied for a lump-sum payment as the widow(er) of the employee, one of the following determinations is made:
Whether the widow(er) was living in the same household as the employee, as defined in § 222.16 of this part, at the time of the employee's death, if the claimant is applying for the 1974 Act lump-sum death payment.
Whether the widow(er) was living with the employee, as defined in § 222.15 of this part, at the time of the employee's death, if the claimant is applying for the 1937 Act lump-sum death payment, annuities due but unpaid at death, the residual lump-sum payment, or a lump-sum refund payment.
In order for a claimant who has applied for a monthly survivor annuity to establish a deemed marriage, the claimant must have been living in the same household as the employee at the time of the employee's death (see § 222.16).
If the husband, wife, widow(er), remarried widow(er), or surviving divorced spouse of the employee is a claimant for a monthly annuity on a basis other than age or disability, a child-in-care determination is required (see §§ 222.17 and 222.18).