§ 207.91 - Definitions.

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As used in this subpart—

Administrative Law Judge means the United States Government employee appointed under section 310(f) of title 5 of the United States Code to conduct proceedings under this part in accordance with section 554 of title 5 of the United States Code;

Agreement means the North American Free Trade Agreement entered into among Canada, the United States of America and the United Mexican States (“Mexico”); or, with respect to binational panel proceedings between Canada and the United States underway as of the date of enactment of the Agreement, or any binational panel proceedings that may proceed between the United States and Canada following any withdrawal from the Agreement by the United States or Canada, the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement entered into between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America, effective as of January 1, 1989;

Article 1904 Rules means the Rules of Procedure for Article 1904 Binational Panel Reviews adopted by the United States of America, Canada and Mexico pursuant to the Agreement, or where applicable under the Agreement, the Rules of Procedure for Article 1904 Binational Panel Reviews adopted by the United States of America and Canada pursuant to the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement, as amended;

Canadian Secretary means the Secretary of the Canadian section of the Secretariat and includes any person authorized to act on the Secretary's behalf;

Charged party means a person who is charged by the Commission with committing a prohibited act under 19 U.S.C. 1677f(f)(3);

Clerical person means a person such as a paralegal, secretary, or law clerk who is employed or retained by and under the direction and control of an authorized applicant;

Commission means the United States International Trade Commission;

Commission Secretary means the Secretary to the Commission;

Complaint means the complaint referred to in the Article 1904 Rules;

Counsel means persons described in the definition of counsel of record in Rule 3 of the Article 1904 Rules or the ECC Rules, and counsel for an interested person who plans to file a timely complaint or notice of appearance in the panel review.

Date of Service means the day a document is deposited in the mail or delivered in person;

Days means calendar days, but if a deadline falls on a weekend or United States federal holiday, it shall be extended to the next working day;

Extraordinary challenge committee means the committee established pursuant to Annex 1904.13 of the Agreement to review decisions of a panel or conduct of a panelist;

ECC Rules means the Rules of Procedure for Article 1904 Extraordinary Challenge Committees adopted by the United States of America, Canada and Mexico, or where applicable, the Rules of Procedure for Article 1904 Extraordinary Challenge Committees adopted by the United States of America and Canada pursuant to the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement, as amended;

Final determination, means “final determination” under Article 1911 of the Agreement;

Free Trade Area Country means the “free trade area country” as defined in 19 U.S.C. 1516a(f)(10);

Investigative attorney means an attorney designated by the Office of Unfair Import Investigations to engage in inquiries and proceedings under 19 CFR 207.100 et seq.

Mexican Secretary means the Secretary of the Mexican section of the Secretariat and includes any persons authorized to act on the Secretary's behalf;

NAFTA Act means the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act, Pub. L. 103-182 (December 8, 1993);

Notice of Appearance means the notice of appearance provided for by Article 1904 Rules or by the ECC Rules;

Panel review means review of a final determination pursuant to chapter 19 of the Agreement, including review by an extraordinary challenge committee;

Party means, for the purposes of 19 CFR 207.100 through 207.120, either the investigative attorney(ies) or the charged party(ies);

Person means, for the purposes of 19 CFR 207.100 through 207.120, an individual, partnership, corporation, association, organization, or other entity;

Privileged information means all information covered by the provisions of the second sentence of 19 U.S.C. 1677f(f)(1)(A);

Professional means an accountant, economist, engineer, or other non-legal specialist who is employed by, or under the direction and control, of a counsel;

Prohibited act means the violation of a protective order, the inducement of a violation of a protective order, or the knowing receipt of information the receipt of which constitutes a violation of a protective order;

Proprietary information means confidential business information as defined in 19 CFR 201.6(a);

Protective Order means an administrative protective order issued by the Commission;

Relevant FTA Secretary means the Secretary referred to in Article 1908 of the Agreement;

Secretariat means the Secretariat established pursuant to Article 2002 of the Agreement and includes the Secretariat sections located in Canada, the United States, and Mexico;

Service address means the facsimile number, if any, and address of the counsel of record for a person or, where a person is not represented by counsel, the facsimile number, if any, and address set out by a person in a Request for Panel Review, Complaint or Notice of Appearance as the address at which the person may be served or, where a Change of Service Address has been filed by a person, the facsimile number, if any, and address set out as the service address in that form;

Service list means the list maintained by the Commission Secretary under 19 CFR 201.11(d) of persons in the administrative proceeding leading to the final determination under panel review;

United States Secretary means the Secretary of the United States section of the Secretariat and includes any person authorized to act on the Secretary's behalf;

Except as otherwise provided in this subpart, the definitions set forth in the Article 1904 Rules and the ECC Rules are applicable to this subpart and to any protective orders issued pursuant to this subpart.