Paragraphs (a) and (b) in § 206.3 govern the institution of an investigation under section 422(b) of the Act and the publication of a Federal Register notice concerning the investigation. Following receipt of notification that the WTO member or members involved have notified the Committee on Safeguards of the WTO of a modification in the action taken by them against the People's Republic of China pursuant to consultation referred to in section 422(a) of the Act, the Commission will promptly conduct a review under section 422(j) of the Act regarding the continued need for action taken under section 422(h) of the Act. The Commission also will publish notice of the review in the Federal Register.
The Commission will make available for public inspection the notification document that prompted a review under paragraph (a) of this section, excluding any confidential business information in the document. Paragraph (c) in § 206.3 governs the availability for public inspection of a petition, request, resolution, or motion that prompted the Commission to institute an investigation under section 422(b) of the Act.