A petition under section 422(b) of the Trade Act shall include specific information in support of the claim that an action described in section 422(c) of the Trade Act has caused, or threatens to cause, a significant diversion of trade into the domestic market of the United States. To comply with that requirement and the requirements in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section, the petition shall include all relevant information that is reasonably available to the petitioner with due diligence. The petition shall include the following information:
Product description. The name and description of the imported product concerned, specifying the United States tariff provision under which such article is classified and the current tariff treatment thereof, and the name and description of the domestic product concerned;
Representativeness. (1) The names and addresses of the firms represented in the petition and/or the firms employing or previously employing the workers represented in the petition and the locations of their establishments in which the domestic product is produced;
The percentage of domestic production of the domestic product that such represented firms and/or workers account for and the basis for asserting that petitioner is representative of an industry; and
The names and locations of all other producers of the domestic product known to the petitioner;
Description of the action. A description of the action or actions, as defined in section 422(c) of the Trade Act, that allegedly has caused or threatens to cause a significant diversion of trade into the domestic market of the United States;
Trade diversion data. (1) The actual or imminent increase in United States market share held by such imports from the People's Republic of China;
The actual or imminent increase in volume of such imports into the United States;
The nature and extent of the action taken or proposed by the WTO member concerned;
The extent of exports from the People's Republic of China to that WTO member and to the United States;
The actual or imminent changes in exports to that WTO member due to the action taken or proposed;
The actual or imminent diversion of exports from the People's Republic of China to countries other than the United States;
Cyclical or seasonal trends in import volumes into the United States of the products at issue; and
Conditions of demand and supply in the United States market for the products at issue;
Import data. Any import data available to the petitioner that will aid the Commission in examining, pursuant to section 422(d)(2) of the Trade Act, the changes in imports into the United States from the People's Republic of China since the time that the WTO member commenced the investigation that led to a request for consultations described in section 422(a) of the Act; and
Relief sought and purpose thereof. A statement describing the import relief sought under section 422(h) of the Trade Act and the purpose thereof.