A petition for relief under section 406(a) of the Trade Act shall include specific information in support of the claim that imports of an article that are the product of a Communist country which are like or directly competitive with an article produced by a domestic industry, are increasing rapidly, either absolutely or relative to domestic production, so as to be a significant cause of material injury, or the threat thereof, to such domestic industry. In addition, such petition shall, to the extent practicable, include the following information:
Product description. The name and description of the imported article concerned, specifying the United States tariff provision under which such article is classified and the current tariff treatment thereof, and the name and description of the like or directly competitive domestic article concerned;
Representativeness. (1) The names and addresses of the firms represented in the petition and/or the firms employing or previously employing the workers represented in the petition and the locations of their establishments in which the domestic article is produced; (2) the percentage of domestic production of the like or directly competitive domestic article that such represented firms and/or workers account for and the basis for asserting that petitioner is representative of an industry; and (3) the names and locations of all other producers of the domestic article known to the petitioner;
Import data. Import data for at least each of the most recent 5 full years which form the basis of the claim that imports from a Communist country of an article like or directly competitive with the article produced by the domestic industry concerned are increasing rapidly, either absolutely or relative to domestic production;
Domestic production data. Data on total U.S. production of the domestic article for each full year for which data are provided pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section;
Data showing injury. Quantitative data indicating the nature and extent of injury to the domestic industry concerned:
With respect to material injury, data indicating:
An idling of production facilities in the industry, including data indicating plant closings or the underutilization of production capacity;
The inability of a number of firms to carry out domestic production operations at a reasonable level of profit; and
Unemployment or underemployment within the industry; and/or
With respect to the threat of material injury, data relating to:
A decline in sales or market share, a higher and growing inventory (whether maintained by domestic producers, importers, wholesalers, or retailers), and a downward trend in production, profits, wages, or employment (or increasing underemployment);
The extent to which firms in the industry are unable to generate adequate capital to finance the modernization of their domestic plants and equipment, or are unable to maintain existing levels of expenditures for research and development; and
The extent to which the U.S. market is the focal point for the diversion of exports of the article concerned by reason of restraints on exports of such article to, or on imports of such article into, third country markets;
Cause of injury. An enumeration and description of the causes believed to be resulting in the material injury, or threat thereof, described in paragraph (e) of this section; information relating to the effect of imports of the subject merchandise on prices in the United States for like or directly competitive articles; evidence of disruptive pricing practices, or other efforts to unfairly manage trade patterns; and a statement regarding the extent to which increased imports, either actual or relative to domestic production, of the imported article are believed to be such a cause, supported by pertinent data;
Relief sought and purpose thereof. A statement describing the import relief sought.