In general. Each swap execution facility shall designate an individual to serve as a chief compliance officer.
Duties. The chief compliance officer shall:
Report directly to the board or to the senior officer of the facility;
Review compliance with the core principles in this subsection;
In consultation with the board of the facility, a body performing a function similar to that of a board, or the senior officer of the facility, resolve any conflicts of interest that may arise;
Be responsible for establishing and administering the policies and procedures required to be established pursuant to this section;
Ensure compliance with the Act and the rules and regulations issued under the Act, including rules prescribed by the Commission pursuant to section 5h of the Act; and
Establish procedures for the remediation of noncompliance issues found during compliance office reviews, look backs, internal or external audit findings, self-reported errors, or through validated complaints.
Requirements for procedures. In establishing procedures under paragraph (b)(6) of this section, the chief compliance officer shall design the procedures to establish the handling, management response, remediation, retesting, and closing of noncompliance issues.
Annual reports—(1) In general. In accordance with rules prescribed by the Commission, the chief compliance officer shall annually prepare and sign a report that contains a description of:
The compliance of the swap execution facility with the Act; and
The policies and procedures, including the code of ethics and conflict of interest policies, of the swap execution facility.
Requirements. The chief compliance officer shall:
Submit each report described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section with the appropriate financial report of the swap execution facility that is required to be submitted to the Commission pursuant to section 5h of the Act; and
Include in the report a certification that, under penalty of law, the report is accurate and complete.