If DOE finds that no practicable alternative to locating or conducting the action in the floodplain or wetland is available, then before taking action DOE shall design or modify its action in order to minimize potential harm to or within the floodplain or wetland, consistent with the policies set forth in E.O. 11988 and E.O. 11990.
For actions that will be located in a floodplain, DOE shall issue a floodplain statement of findings, normally not to exceed three pages, that contains:
A brief description of the proposed action, including a location map;
An explanation indicating why the action is proposed to be located in the floodplain;
A list of alternatives considered;
A statement indicating whether the action conforms to applicable floodplain protection standards; and
A brief description of steps to be taken to minimize potential harm to or within the floodplain.
For floodplain actions that require preparation of an EA or EIS, DOE may incorporate the floodplain statement of findings into the finding of no significant impact or final EIS, as appropriate, or issue such statement separately.
DOE shall send copies of the floodplain statement of findings to appropriate government agencies (e.g., FEMA regional offices, host and affected states, and tribal and local governments) and to others who submitted comments on the proposed floodplain action.
For proposed floodplain actions that may result in effects of national concern, DOE shall publish the floodplain statement of findings in the Federal Register, describing the location of the action and stating where a map is available.
For floodplain actions subject to E.O. 12372—Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs (July 14, 1982), DOE also shall send the floodplain statement of findings to the State in accordance with 10 CFR part 1005—Intergovernmental Review of Department of Energy Programs and Activities.