TIAs are explicitly covered in this part and 10 CFR part 600, subpart A—General. 10 CFR part 600, subpart A, addresses general matters that relate to assistance instruments.
Three additional parts of the DOE Assistance Regulations apply to TIAs, although they do not mention a TIA explicitly. They are:
10 CFR part 601—lobbying restrictions apply by law (31 U.S.C. 1352) to a TIA that is a cooperative agreement and as a matter of DOE policy to a TIA that is an assistance transaction other than a cooperative agreement.
10 CFR part 606—debarment and suspension requirements apply because they cover nonprocurement instruments in general; and
10 CFR part 607—drug-free work-place (financial assistance) requirements apply because they cover all assistance instruments.
Other portions of 10 CFR part 600 apply to a TIA as referenced in part 603.