§ 431.134 - Uniform test methods for the measurement of energy and water consumption of automatic commercial ice makers.

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Scope. This section provides the test procedures for measuring, pursuant to EPCA, the energy use in kilowatt hours per 100 pounds of ice (kWh/100 lb ice) and the condenser water use in gallons per 100 pounds of ice (gal/100 lb ice) of automatic commercial ice makers with capacities between 50 and 4,000 pounds of ice per 24 hours.

Testing and Calculations. Measure the energy use and the condenser water use of each covered product by conducting the test procedures set forth in AHRI 810, section 3, “Definitions,” section 4, “Test Requirements,” and section 5, “Rating Requirements” (incorporated by reference, see § 431.133). Where AHRI 810 references “ASHRAE Standard 29,” ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 29-2009 (incorporated by reference, see § 431.133) shall be used. All references to cube type ice makers in AHRI 810 apply to all batch type automatic commercial ice makers.

For batch type automatic commercial ice makers, the energy use and condenser water use will be reported as measured in this paragraph (b), including the energy and water consumption, as applicable, of the ice-making mechanism, the compressor, and the condenser or condensing unit.

For continuous type automatic commercial ice makers, determine the energy use and condenser water use by multiplying the energy consumption or condenser water use as measured in this paragraph (b) by the ice hardness adjustment factor, determined using the following equation:

Determine the ice hardness factor by following the procedure specified in the “Procedure for Determining Ice Quality” in section A.3 of normative annex A of ANSI/ASHRAE 29 (incorporated by reference, see § 431.133), except that the test shall be conducted at an ambient air temperature of 70 °F ±1 °F, with an initial water temperature of 90 °F ±1 °F, and weights shall be accurate to within ±2 percent of the quantity measured. The ice hardness factor is equivalent to the corrected net cooling effect per pound of ice, line 19 in ANSI/ASHRAE 29 Table A1, where the calorimeter constant used in line 18 shall be that determined in section A2 using seasoned, block ice.