General. The following provisions apply to assessment and enforcement testing of the relevant products and equipment.
Refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, and freezers— (1) Verification of total refrigerated volume. The total refrigerated volume of the basic model will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of 10 CFR part 430 for each unit tested. The results of the measurement(s) will be averaged and compared to the value of total refrigerated volume certified by the manufacturer. The certified total refrigerated volume will be considered valid only if:
The measurement is within two percent, or 0.5 cubic feet (0.2 cubic feet for compact products), whichever is greater, of the certified total refrigerated volume, or
The measurement is greater than the certified total refrigerated volume.
If the certified total refrigerated volume is found to be valid, the certified adjusted total volume will be used as the basis for calculation of maximum allowed energy use for the basic model.
If the certified total refrigerated volume is found to be invalid, the average measured adjusted total volume, rounded to the nearest 0.1 cubic foot, will serve as the basis for calculation of maximum allowed energy use for the tested basic model.
Test for models with two compartments, each having its own user-operable temperature control. The test described in section 3.3 of the applicable test procedure for refrigerators or refrigerator-freezers in appendix A to subpart B of 10 CFR part 430 shall be used for all units of a tested basic model before DOE makes a determination of noncompliance with respect to the basic model.
Clothes washers. (1) Determination of Remaining Moisture Content. The procedure for determining remaining moisture content (RMC) will be performed once in its entirety, pursuant to the test requirements of section 3.8 of appendix J1 and appendix J2 to subpart B of part 430, for each unit tested.
The measured RMC value of a tested unit will be considered the tested unit's final RMC value if the measured RMC value is within two RMC percentage points of the certified RMC value of the basic model (expressed as a percentage), or is lower than the certified RMC value.
If the measured RMC value of a tested unit is more than two RMC percentage points higher than the certified RMC value of the basic model, DOE will perform two additional replications of the RMC measurement procedure, each pursuant to the provisions of section 3.8.5 of appendix J1 and appendix J2 to subpart B of part 430, for a total of three independent RMC measurements of the tested unit. The average of the three RMC measurements will be the tested unit's final RMC value and will be used as the basis for the calculation of per-cycle energy consumption for removal of moisture from the test load for that unit.
Residential Water Heaters and Residential-Duty Commercial Water Heaters—(1) Verification of first-hour rating and maximum GPM rating. The first-hour rating or maximum gallons per minute (GPM) rating of the basic model will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of 10 CFR part 430 for each unit tested. The mean of the measured values will be compared to the rated values of first-hour rating or maximum GPM rating as certified by the manufacturer. The certified rating will be considered valid only if the measurement is within five percent of the certified rating.
If the rated value of first-hour rating or maximum GPM rating is found to be within 5 percent of the mean of the measured values, then the rated value will be used as the basis for determining the applicable draw pattern pursuant to the test requirements of 10 CFR part 430 for each unit tested.
If the rated value of first-hour rating or maximum GPM rating is found to vary more than 5 percent from the measured values, then the mean of the measured values will serve as the basis for determining the applicable draw pattern pursuant to the test requirements of 10 CFR part 430 for each unit tested.
Verification of rated storage volume. The storage volume of the basic model will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of appendix E to subpart B of 10 CFR part 430 for each unit tested. The mean of the measured values will be compared to the rated storage volume as certified by the manufacturer. The rated value will be considered valid only if the measurement is within 3 percent of the certified rating.
If the rated storage volume is found to be within 3 percent of the mean of the measured value of storage volume, then the rated value will be used as the basis for calculation of the required uniform energy factor for the basic model.
If the rated storage volume is found to vary more than 3 percent from the mean of the measured values, then the mean of the measured values will be used as the basis for calculation of the required uniform energy factor for the basic model.
Packaged terminal air conditioners and packaged terminal heat pumps—(1) Verification of cooling capacity. The total cooling capacity of the basic model will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of 10 CFR part 431 for each unit tested. The results of the measurement(s) will be averaged and compared to the value of cooling capacity certified by the manufacturer. The certified cooling capacity will be considered valid only if the average measured cooling capacity is within five percent of the certified cooling capacity.
If the certified cooling capacity is found to be valid, that cooling capacity will be used as the basis for calculation of minimum allowed EER (and minimum allowed COP for PTHP models) for the basic model.
If the certified cooling capacity is found to be invalid, the average measured cooling capacity will serve as the basis for calculation of minimum allowed EER (and minimum allowed COP for PTHP models) for the tested basic model.
Dehumidifiers—(1) Verification of capacity. The capacity will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of part 430 for each unit tested. The results of the measurement(s) will be averaged and compared to the value of capacity certified by the manufacturer for the basic model. The certified capacity will be considered valid only if the measurement is within five percent, or 1.00 pint per day, whichever is greater, of the certified capacity.
If the certified capacity is found to be valid, the certified capacity will be used as the basis for determining the minimum energy factor or integrated energy factor allowed for the basic model.
If the certified capacity is found to be invalid, the average measured capacity of the units in the sample will be used as the basis for determining the minimum energy factor or integrated energy factor allowed for the basic model.
Verification of whole-home dehumidifier case volume. The case volume will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of part 430 for each unit tested. The results of the measurement(s) will be averaged and compared to the value of case volume certified by the manufacturer for the basic model. The certified case volume will be considered valid only if the measurement is within two percent, or 0.2 cubic feet, whichever is greater, of the certified case volume.
If the certified case volume is found to be valid, the certified case volume will be used as the basis for determining the minimum integrated energy factor allowed for the basic model.
If the certified case volume is found to be invalid, the average measured case volume of the units in the sample will be used as the basis for determining the minimum integrated energy factor allowed for the basic model.
Air-cooled small (≥65,000 Btu/h and <135,000 Btu/h), large (≥135,000 Btu/h and <240,000 Btu/h), and very large (≥240,000 Btu/h and <760,000 Btu/h) commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment—verification of cooling capacity. The cooling capacity of each tested unit of the basic model will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of part 431 of this chapter. The mean of the measurement(s) will be used to determine the applicable standards for purposes of compliance.
Residential boilers—test protocols for functional verification of automatic means for adjusting water temperature. These tests are intended to verify the functionality of the design requirement that a boiler has an automatic means for adjusting water temperature for single-stage, two-stage, and modulating boilers. These test methods are intended to permit the functional testing of a range of control strategies used to fulfill this design requirement. Section 2, Definitions, and paragraph 6.1.a of appendix N to subpart B of part 430 of this chapter apply for the purposes of this paragraph (h).
Test protocol for all products other than single-stage products employing burner delay. This test is intended to verify whether an automatic means for adjusting water temperature other than burner delay produces an incremental change in water supply temperature in response to an incremental change in inferred heat load.
Boiler setup—(A) Boiler installation. Boiler installation in the test room shall be in accordance with the setup and apparatus requirements of section 6 of appendix N to subpart B of 10 CFR part 430.
Establishing flow rate and temperature rise. Start the boiler without enabling the means for adjusting water temperature. Establish a water flow rate that allows for a water temperature rise of greater than or equal to 20 °F at maximum input rate.
Temperature stabilization. Temperature stabilization is deemed to be obtained when the boiler supply water temperature does not vary by more than ±3 °F over a period of five minutes.
Adjust the inferential load controller. (1) Adjust the boiler controls (in accordance with the I&O manual) to the default setting that allows for activation of the means for adjusting water temperature. For boiler controls that do not allow for control adjustment during active mode operation, terminate call for heat and adjust the inferential load controller in accordance with the I&O manual and then reinitiate call for heat.
If the means for adjusting water temperature uses outdoor temperature reset, the maximum outdoor temperature setting (if equipped) should be set to a temperature high enough that the boiler operates continuously during the duration of this test (i.e., if the conditions in paragraph (h)(1)(ii)(A) of this section equal room ambient temperature, then the maximum outdoor temperature should be set at a temperature greater than the ambient air temperature during the test).
Establish low inferred load conditions at minimum boiler supply water temperature—(A) Establish low inferred load conditions. (1) Establish the inferred load conditions (simulated using a controlling parameter, such as outdoor temperature, thermostat patterns, or boiler cycling) so that the supply water temperature is maintained at the minimum supply water temperature prescribed by the boiler manufacturer's temperature reset control strategy found in the I&O manual.
The minimum supply water temperature of the default temperature reset curve is usually provided in the I&O manual. If there is no recommended minimum supply water temperature, set the minimum supply water temperature equal to 20 °F less than the high supply water temperature specified in paragraph (h)(1)(iii)(A) of this section.
Supply water temperature stabilization at low inferred load. (1) Maintain the call for heat until the boiler supply water temperature has stabilized. Temperature stabilization is deemed to be obtained when the boiler supply water temperature does not vary by more than ±3 °F over a period of five minutes. The duration of time required to stabilize the supply water, following the procedure in paragraph (h)(1)(ii)(A) of this section, is dependent on the reset strategy and may vary from model to model.
Record the boiler supply water temperature while the temperature is stabilized.
Establish high inferred load conditions at maximum boiler supply water temperature—(A) Establish high inferred load conditions. Establish the inferred load conditions so that the supply water temperature is set to the maximum allowable supply water temperature as prescribed in the I&O manual, or if there is no recommendation, set to a temperature greater than 170 °F.
Supply water temperature stabilization at high inferred load. (1) Maintain the call for heat until the boiler supply water temperature has stabilized. Temperature stabilization is deemed to be obtained when the boiler supply water temperature does not vary by more than ±3 °F over a period of five minutes. The duration of time required to stabilize the supply water, following the procedure in paragraph (h)(1)(iii)(A) of this section, is dependent on the reset strategy and may vary from model to model.
Record the boiler supply water temperature while the temperature is stabilized.
Terminate the call for heat.
Test protocol for single-stage products employing burner delay. This test will be used in place of paragraph (h)(1) of this section for products manufacturers have certified to DOE under § 429.18(b)(3) as employing a burner delay automatic means strategy. This test verifies whether the automatic means in single-stage boiler products establishes a burner delay upon a call for heat until the means has determined that the inferred heat load cannot be met by the residual heat of the water in the system.
Boiler setup—(A) Boiler installation. Boiler installation in the test room shall be in accordance with the setup and apparatus requirements by section 6.0 of appendix N to subpart B of 10 CFR part 430.
Activation of controls. Adjust the boiler controls in accordance with the I&O manual at the default setting that allows for activation of the means for adjusting water temperature.
Adjustment of water flow and temperature. The flow and temperature of inlet water to the boiler shall be capable of being adjusted manually.
Boiler heat-up—(A) Boiler start-up. Power up the boiler and initiate a call for heat.
Adjustment of firing rate. Adjust the boiler's firing rate to within ±5% of its maximum rated input.
Establishing flow rate and temperature rise. Adjust the water flow through the boiler to achieve a ΔT of 20 °F (±2 °F) or greater with an inlet water temperature equal to 140 °F (±2 °F).
Terminate the call for heating. Terminate the call for heat, stop the flow of water through the boiler, and record the time at termination.
Verify burner delay—(A) Reinitiate call for heat. Within three (3) minutes of termination (paragraph (h)(2)(ii)(D) of this section) and without adjusting the inlet water flow rate or temperature as specified in paragraph (h)(2)(ii)(C) of this section, reinitiate the call for heat and water flow and record the time.
Verify burner ignition. At 15-second intervals, record time and supply water temperature until the main burner ignites.
Terminate the call for heat.
Pumps—(1) General purpose pumps. (i) The volume rate of flow (flow rate) at BEP and nominal speed of rotation of each tested unit of the basic model will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of § 431.464 of this chapter, where the value of volume rate of flow (flow rate) at BEP and nominal speed of rotation certified by the manufacturer will be treated as the expected BEP flow rate. The results of the measurement(s) will be compared to the value of volume rate of flow (flow rate) at BEP and nominal speed of rotation certified by the manufacturer. The certified volume rate of flow (flow rate) at BEP and nominal speed of rotation will be considered valid only if the measurement(s) (either the measured volume rate of flow (flow rate) at BEP and nominal speed of rotation for a single unit sample or the average of the measured flow rates for a multiple unit sample) is within five percent of the certified volume rate of flow (flow rate) at BEP and nominal speed of rotation.
If the representative value of volume rate of flow (flow rate) at BEP and nominal speed of rotation is found to be valid, the measured volume rate of flow (flow rate) at BEP and nominal speed of rotation will be used in subsequent calculations of constant load pump energy rating (PERCL) and constant load pump energy index (PEICL) or variable load pump energy rating (PERVL) and variable load pump energy index (PEIVL) for that basic model.
If the representative value of volume rate of flow (flow rate) at BEP and nominal speed of rotation is found to be invalid, the mean of all the measured volume rate of flow (flow rate) at BEP and nominal speed of rotation values determined from the tested unit(s) will serve as the new expected BEP flow rate and the unit(s) will be retested until such time as the measured rate of flow (flow rate) at BEP and nominal speed of rotation is within 5 percent of the expected BEP flow rate.
DOE will test each pump unit according to the test method specified by the manufacturer in the certification report submitted pursuant to § 429.59(b).
Dedicated-purpose pool pumps. (i) The rated hydraulic horsepower of each tested unit of the basic model of dedicated-purpose pool pump will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of § 431.464(b) of this chapter and the result of the measurement(s) will be compared to the value of rated hydraulic horsepower certified by the manufacturer. The certified rated hydraulic horsepower will be considered valid only if the measurement(s) (either the measured rated hydraulic horsepower for a single unit sample or the average of the measured rated hydraulic horsepower values for a multiple unit sample) is within 5 percent of the certified rated hydraulic horsepower.
If the representative value of rated hydraulic horsepower is found to be valid, the value of rated hydraulic horsepower certified by the manufacturer will be used to determine the standard level for that basic model.
If the representative value of rated hydraulic horsepower is found to be invalid, the mean of all the measured rated hydraulic horsepower values determined from the tested unit(s) will be used to determine the standard level for that basic model.
To verify the self-priming capability of non-self-priming pool filter pumps and of self-priming pool filter pumps that are not certified with NSF/ANSI 50-2015 (incorporated by reference, see § 429.4) as self-priming, the vertical lift and true priming time of each tested unit of the basic model of self-priming or non-self-priming pool filter pump will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of § 431.464(b) of this chapter.
For self-priming pool filter pumps that are not certified with NSF/ANSI 50-2015 as self-priming, at a vertical lift of 5.0 feet, the result of the true priming time measurement(s) will be compared to the value of true priming time certified by the manufacturer. The certified value of true priming time will be considered valid only if the measurement(s) (either the measured true priming time for a single unit sample or the average of true priming time values for a multiple unit sample) is within 5 percent of the certified value of true priming time.
If the representative value of true priming time is found to be valid, the value of true priming time certified by the manufacturer will be used to determine the appropriate equipment class and standard level for that basic model.
If the representative value of true priming time is found to be invalid, the mean of the values of true priming time determined from the tested unit(s) will be used to determine the appropriate equipment class and standard level for that basic model.
For non-self-priming pool filter pumps, at a vertical lift of 5.0 feet, the result of the true priming time measurement(s) (either the measured true priming time for a single unit sample or the average of true priming time values, for a multiple unit sample) will be compared to the value of true priming time referenced in the definition of non-self-priming pool filter pump at § 431.462 (10.0 minutes).
If the measurement(s) of true priming time are greater than 95 percent of the value of true priming time referenced in the definition of non-self-priming pool filter pump at § 431.462 with a vertical lift of 5.0 feet, the DPPP model will be considered a non-self-priming pool filter pump for the purposes of determining the appropriate equipment class and standard level for that basic model.
If the conditions specified in paragraph (i)(2)(ii)(B)(1) of this section are not satisfied, then the DPPP model will be considered a self-priming pool filter pump for the purposes of determining the appropriate equipment class and standard level for that basic model.
To verify the maximum head of self-priming pool filter pump, non-self-priming pool filter pumps, and waterfall pumps, the maximum head of each tested unit of the basic model of self-priming pool filter pump, non-self-priming pool filter pump, or waterfall pump will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of § 431.464(b) of this chapter and the result of the measurement(s) will be compared to the value of maximum head certified by the manufacturer. The certified value of maximum head will be considered valid only if the measurement(s) (either the measured maximum head for a single unit sample or the average of the maximum head values for a multiple unit sample) is within 5 percent of the certified values of maximum head.
If the representative value of maximum head is found to be valid, the value of maximum head certified by the manufacturer will be used to determine the appropriate equipment class and standard level for that basic model.
If the representative value of maximum head is found to be invalid, the measured value(s) of maximum head determined from the tested unit(s) will be used to determine the appropriate equipment class and standard level for that basic model.
To verify that a DPPP model complies with the applicable freeze protection control design requirements, the initiation temperature, run-time, and speed of rotation of the default control configuration of each tested unit of the basic model of dedicated-purpose pool pump will be evaluated according to the procedure specified in paragraph (i)(2)(iv)(A) of this section:
Set up and configure the dedicated-purpose pool pump under test according to the manufacturer instructions, including any necessary initial priming, in a test apparatus as described in appendix A of HI 40.6-2014-B (incorporated by reference, see § 429.4), except that the ambient temperature registered by the freeze protection ambient temperature sensor will be able to be measured and controlled by, for example, exposing the freeze protection temperature sensor to a specific temperature by submerging the sensor in a water bath of known temperature, by adjusting the actual ambient air temperature of the test chamber and measuring the temperature at the freeze protection ambient temperature sensor location, or by other means that allows the ambient temperature registered by the freeze protection temperature sensor to be reliably simulated, varied, and measured. Do not adjust the default freeze protection control settings or enable the freeze protection control if it is shipped disabled.
Activate power to the pump with the flow rate set to zero (i.e., the pump is energized but not circulating water). Set the ambient temperature to 42.0 ± 0.5 °F and allow the temperature to stabilize, where stability is determined in accordance with section of HI 40.6-2014-B. After 5 minutes, decrease the temperature measured by the freeze protection temperature sensor by 1.0 ± 0.5 °F and allow the temperature to stabilize. After each reduction in ambient temperature and subsequent stabilization, record the DPPP rotating speed, if any, and freeze protection ambient temperature reading, where the “freeze protection ambient temperature reading” is representative of the temperature measured by the freeze protection ambient temperature sensor, which may be recorded by a variety of means depending on how the temperature is being simulated and controlled. If no flow is initiated, record zero rpm or no flow. Continue decreasing the temperature measured by the freeze protection temperature sensor by 1.0 ± 0.5 °F after 5.0 minutes of stable operation at the previous temperature reading until the pump freeze protection initiates water circulation or until the ambient temperature of 38.0 ± 0.5 °F has been evaluated (i.e., the end of the 5.0 minute interval of 38.0 °F), whichever occurs first.
If and when the DPPP freeze protection controls initiate water circulation, increase the ambient temperature reading registered by the freeze protection temperature sensor to a temperature of 42.0 ± 0.5 °F and maintain that temperature for 60.0 minutes. Do not modify or interfere with the operation of the DPPP freeze protection operating cycle. After 60.0 minutes, record the freeze protection ambient temperature and rotating speed, if any, of the dedicated-purpose pool pump under test.
If the dedicated-purpose pool pump initiates water circulation at a temperature greater than 40.0 °F; if the dedicated-purpose pool pump was still circulating water after 60.0 minutes of operation at 42.0 ± 0.5 °F; or if rotating speed measured at any point during the DPPP freeze protection control test in paragraph (i)(2)(iii)(A) of this section was greater than one-half of the maximum rotating speed of the DPPP model certified by the manufacturer, that DPPP model is deemed to not comply with the design requirement for freeze protection controls.
If none of the conditions specified in paragraph (i)(2)(iv)(B) of this section are met, including if the DPPP freeze protection control does not initiate water circulation at all during the test, the dedicated-purpose pool pump under test is deemed compliant with the design requirement for freeze protection controls.
Refrigerated bottled or canned beverage vending machines—(1) Verification of refrigerated volume. The refrigerated volume (V) of each tested unit of the basic model will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of 10 CFR 431.296. The results of the measurement(s) will be compared to the representative value of refrigerated volume certified by the manufacturer. The certified refrigerated volume will be considered valid only if the measurement(s) (either the measured refrigerated volume for a single unit sample or the average of the measured refrigerated volumes for a multiple unit sample) is within five percent of the certified refrigerated volume.
If the representative value of refrigerated volume is found to be valid, the certified refrigerated volume will be used as the basis for calculation of maximum daily energy consumption for the basic model.
If the representative value of refrigerated volume is found to be invalid, the average measured refrigerated volume determined from the tested unit(s) will serve as the basis for calculation of maximum daily energy consumption for the tested basic model.
Verification of surface area, transparent, and non-transparent areas. The percent transparent surface area on the front side of the basic model will be measured pursuant to these requirements for the purposes of determining whether a given basic model meets the definition of Class A or Combination A, as presented at 10 CFR 431.292. The transparent and non-transparent surface areas shall be determined on the front side of the beverage vending machine at the outermost surfaces of the beverage vending machine cabinet, from edge to edge, excluding any legs or other protrusions that extend beyond the dimensions of the primary cabinet. Determine the transparent and non-transparent areas on each side of a beverage vending machine as described in paragraphs (j)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section. For combination vending machines, disregard the surface area surrounding any refrigerated compartments that are not designed to be refrigerated (as demonstrated by the presence of temperature controls), whether or not it is transparent. Determine the percent transparent surface area on the front side of the beverage vending machine as a ratio of the measured transparent area on that side divided by the sum of the measured transparent and non-transparent areas, multiplying the result by 100.
Determination of transparent area. Determine the total surface area that is transparent as the sum of all surface areas on the front side of a beverage vending machine that meet the definition of transparent at 10 CFR 431.292. When determining whether or not a particular wall segment is transparent, transparency should be determined for the aggregate performance of all the materials between the refrigerated volume and the ambient environment; the composite performance of all those materials in a particular wall segment must meet the definition of transparent for that area be treated as transparent.
Determination of non-transparent area. Determine the total surface area that is not transparent as the sum of all surface areas on the front side of a beverage vending machine that are not considered part of the transparent area, as determined in accordance with paragraph (j)(2)(i) of this section.
Central air conditioners and heat pumps—(1) Verification of cooling capacity. The cooling capacity of each tested unit of the individual model (for single-package systems) or individual combination (for split systems) will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of § 430.23(m) of this chapter. The mean of the measurement(s) (either the measured cooling capacity for a single unit sample or the average of the measured cooling capacities for a multiple unit sample) will be used to determine the applicable standards for purposes of compliance.
Verification of C D value. (i) For central air conditioners and heat pumps other than models of outdoor units with no match, if manufacturers certify that they did not conduct the optional tests to determine the Cc and/or Ch value for an individual model (for single-package systems) or individual combination (for split systems), as applicable, the default Cc and/or Ch value will be used as the basis for calculation of SEER or HSPF for each unit tested. If manufacturers certify that they conducted the optional tests to determine the Cc and/or Ch value for an individual model (for single-package systems) or individual combination (for split systems), as applicable, the Cc and/or Ch value will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of § 430.23(m) of this chapter for each unit tested and the result for each unit tested (either the tested value or the default value, as selected according to the criteria for the cyclic test in 10 CFR part 430, subpart B, appendix M, section 3.5e) used as the basis for calculation of SEER or HSPF for that unit.
For models of outdoor units with no match, DOE will use the default Cc and/or Ch value pursuant to 10 CFR part 430.
Miscellaneous refrigeration products—(1) Verification of total refrigerated volume. For all miscellaneous refrigeration products, the total refrigerated volume of the basic model will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of part 430 of this chapter for each unit tested. The results of the measurement(s) will be averaged and compared to the value of total refrigerated volume certified by the manufacturer. The certified total refrigerated volume will be considered valid only if:
The measurement is within two percent, or 0.5 cubic feet (0.2 cubic feet for products with total refrigerated volume less than 7.75 cubic feet (220 liters)), whichever is greater, of the certified total refrigerated volume; or
The measurement is greater than the certified total refrigerated volume.
If the certified total refrigerated volume is found to be valid, the certified adjusted total volume will be used as the basis for calculating the maximum allowed energy use for the tested basic model.
If the certified total refrigerated volume is found to be invalid, the average measured adjusted total volume, rounded to the nearest 0.1 cubic foot, will serve as the basis for calculating the maximum allowed energy use for the tested basic model.
Test for models with two compartments, each having its own user-operable temperature control. The test described in section 3.3 of the applicable test procedure in appendix A to subpart B part 430 of this chapter shall be used for all units of a tested basic model before DOE makes a determination of noncompliance with respect to the basic model.
Commercial packaged boilers—(1) Verification of fuel input rate. The fuel input rate of each tested unit will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of § 431.86 of this chapter. The results of the measurement(s) will be compared to the value of rated input certified by the manufacturer. The certified rated input will be considered valid only if the measurement(s) (either the measured fuel input rate for a single unit sample or the average of the measured fuel input rates for a multiple unit sample) is within two percent of the certified rated input.
If the measured fuel input rate is within two-percent of the certified rated input, the certified rated input will serve as the basis for determination of the appropriate equipment class(es) and the mean measured fuel input rate will be used as the basis for calculation of combustion and/or thermal efficiency for the basic model.
If the measured fuel input rate for a gas-fired commercial packaged boiler is not within two-percent of the certified rated input, DOE will first attempt to increase or decrease the gas manifold pressure within the range specified in manufacturer's installation and operation manual shipped with the commercial packaged boiler being tested (or, if not provided in the manual, in supplemental instructions provided by the manufacturer pursuant to § 429.60(b)(4) of this chapter) to achieve the certified rated input (within two-percent). If the fuel input rate is still not within two-percent of the certified rated input, DOE will attempt to increase or decrease the gas inlet pressure within the range specified in manufacturer's installation and operation manual shipped with the commercial packaged boiler being tested (or, if not provided in the manual, in supplemental instructions provided by the manufacturer pursuant to § 429.60(b)(4)) to achieve the certified rated input (within two-percent). If the fuel input rate is still not within two-percent of the certified rated input, DOE will attempt to modify the gas inlet orifice if the unit is equipped with one. If the fuel input rate still is not within two percent of the certified rated input, the mean measured fuel input rate (either for a single unit sample or the average of the measured fuel input rates for a multiple unit sample) will serve as the basis for determination of the appropriate equipment class(es) and calculation of combustion and/or thermal efficiency for the basic model.
If the measured fuel input rate for an oil-fired commercial packaged boiler is not within two-percent of the certified rated input, the mean measured fuel input rate (either for a single unit sample or the average of the measured fuel input rates for a multiple unit sample) will serve as the basis for determination of the appropriate equipment class(es) and calculation of combustion and/or thermal efficiency for the basic model.
Models capable of producing both hot water and steam. For a model of commercial packaged boiler that is capable of producing both hot water and steam, DOE may measure the thermal or combustion efficiency as applicable (see § 431.87 of this chapter) for steam and/or hot water modes. DOE will evaluate compliance based on the measured thermal or combustion efficiency in steam and hot water modes, independently.
Commercial water heating equipment other than residential-duty commercial water heaters—(1) Verification of fuel input rate. The fuel input rate of each tested unit of the basic model will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of § 431.106 of this chapter. The measured fuel input rate (either the measured fuel input rate for a single unit sample or the average of the measured fuel input rates for a multiple unit sample) will be compared to the rated input certified by the manufacturer. The certified rated input will be considered valid only if the measured fuel input rate is within two percent of the certified rated input.
If the certified rated input is found to be valid, then the certified rated input will serve as the basis for determination of the appropriate equipment class and calculation of the standby loss standard (as applicable).
If the measured fuel input rate for gas-fired commercial water heating equipment is not within two percent of the certified rated input, DOE will first attempt to increase or decrease the gas outlet pressure within 10 percent of the value specified on the nameplate of the model of commercial water heating equipment being tested to achieve the certified rated input (within 2 percent). If the fuel input rate is still not within two percent of the certified rated input, DOE will attempt to increase or decrease the gas supply pressure within the range specified on the nameplate of the model of commercial water heating equipment being tested. If the measured fuel input rate is still not within two percent of the certified rated input, DOE will attempt to modify the gas inlet orifice, if the unit is equipped with one. If the measured fuel input rate still is not within two percent of the certified rated input, the measured fuel input rate will serve as the basis for determination of the appropriate equipment class and calculation of the standby loss standard (as applicable).
If the measured fuel input rate for oil-fired commercial water heating equipment is not within two percent of the certified rated input, the measured fuel input rate will serve as the basis for determination of the appropriate equipment class and calculation of the standby loss standard (as applicable).
Uninterruptible power supplies. (1) Determine the UPS architecture by performing the tests specified in the definitions of VI, VFD, and VFI in sections 2.28.1 through 2.28.3 of appendix Y to subpart B of 10 CFR part 430.
Compressors—(1) Verification of full-load operating pressure. (i) The maximum full-flow operating pressure of each tested unit of the basic model will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of appendix A to subpart T of part 431 of this chapter, where 90 percent of the value of full-load operating pressure certified by the manufacturer will be the starting point of the test method prior to increasing discharge pressure. The measured maximum full-flow operating pressure (either the single measured value for a single unit sample or the mean of the measured maximum full-flow operating pressures for a multiple unit sample) will be compared to the certified rating for full-load operating pressure to determine if the certified rating is valid or not. The certified rating for full-load operating pressure will be considered valid only if the certified rating for full-load operating pressure is less than or equal to the measured maximum full-flow operating pressure and greater than or equal to the lesser of—
90 percent of the measured maximum full-flow operating pressure; or
10 psig less than the measured maximum full-flow operating pressure.
If the certified full-load operating pressure is found to be valid, then the certified value will be used as the full-load operating pressure and will be the basis for determination of full-load actual volume flow rate, pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure, specific power, and package isentropic efficiency.
If the certified full-load operating pressure is found to be invalid, then the measured maximum full-flow operating pressure will be used as the full-load operating pressure and will be the basis for determination of full-load actual volume flow rate, pressure ratio at full-load operating pressure, specific power, and package isentropic efficiency.
Verification of full-load actual volume flow rate. The measured full-load actual volume flow rate will be measured, pursuant to the test requirements of appendix A to subpart T of part 431 of this chapter, at the full-load operating pressure determined in paragraph (p)(1) of this section. The certified full-load actual volume flow rate will be considered valid only if the measurement(s) (either the measured full-load actual volume flow rate for a single unit sample or the mean of the measured values for a multiple unit sample) are within the percentage of the certified full-load actual volume flow rate specified in Table 1 of this section:
If the certified value of full-load actual volume flow rate is found to be valid, the full-load actual volume flow rate certified by the manufacturer will be used as the basis for determination of the applicable standard.
If the certified value of full-load actual volume flow rate is found to be invalid, the entire sample (one or multiple units) will be considered as failing the enforcement test.
Ancillary equipment. Prior to testing each compressor, DOE will install any required ancillary equipment specified by the manufacturer in the certification report submitted pursuant to § 429.63(b).
Walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers. (1) If DOE determines that a basic model of a panel, door, or refrigeration system for walk-in coolers or walk-in freezers fails to meet an applicable energy conservation standard, then the manufacturer of that basic model is responsible for the noncompliance. If DOE determines that a complete walk-in cooler or walk-in freezer or component thereof fails to meet an applicable energy conservation standard, then the manufacturer of that walk-in cooler or walk-in freezer is responsible for the noncompliance with the applicable standard, except that the manufacturer of a complete walk-in cooler or walk-in freezer is not responsible for the use of components that were certified and labeled (in accordance with DOE labeling requirements) as compliant by another party and later found to be noncompliant with the applicable standard(s).
Verification of refrigeration system net capacity. The net capacity of the refrigeration system basic model will be measured pursuant to the test requirements of 10 CFR part 431, subpart R, appendix C for each unit tested. The results of the measurement(s) will be averaged and compared to the value of net capacity certified by the manufacturer. The certified net capacity will be considered valid only if the average measured net capacity is within plus or minus five percent of the certified net capacity.
If the certified net capacity is found to be valid, the certified net capacity will be used as the basis for calculating the AWEF of the basic model.
If the certified net capacity is found to be invalid, the average measured net capacity will serve as the basis for calculating the annual energy consumption for the basic model.
Verification of door surface area. The surface area of a display door or non-display door basic model will be measured pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR part 431, subpart R, appendix A for each unit tested. The results of the measurement(s) will be averaged and compared to the value of the surface area certified by the manufacturer. The certified surface area will be considered valid only if the average measured surface area is within plus or minus three percent of the certified surface area.
If the certified surface area is found to be valid, the certified surface area will be used as the basis for calculating the maximum energy consumption (kWh/day) of the basic model.
If the certified surface area is found to be invalid, the average measured surface area will serve as the basis for calculating the maximum energy consumption (kWh/day) of the basic model.
For each basic model of walk-in cooler and walk-in freezer door, DOE will calculate the door's energy consumption using the power listed on the nameplate of each electricity consuming device shipped with the door. If an electricity consuming device shipped with a walk-in door does not have a nameplate or such nameplate does not list the device's power, then DOE will use the device's “rated power” included in the door's certification report.