The recordkeeping requirements that were in effect on January 27, 1981, in parts 210, 211, and 212 will remain in effect for (1) all transactions prior to February 1, 1981; and (2) all allowed expenses incurred and paid prior to April 1, 1981 under § 212.78 of part 212. These requirements include, but are not limited to, the requirements that were in effect on January 27, 1981, in § 210.92 of this part; in §§ 211.67(a)(5)(ii); 211.89; 211.109, 211.127; and 211.223 of part 211; and in §§ 212.78(h)(5)(ii); 212.78(h)(6); 212.83(c)(2)(iii)(E)(I); 212.83(c)(2)(iii)(E)(II); 212.83(c)(2)(iii); “Fi t”; 212.83(i); 212.93(a); 212.93(b)(4)(iii)(B)(I); 212.93(i)(4); 212.94(b)(2)(iii); 212.128; 212.132; 212.172; and § 212.187 of part 212.
Effective February 5, 1985, paragraph (a) of this section shall apply, to the extent indicated, only to firms in the following categories. A firm may be included in more than one category, and a firm may move from one category to another. The fact that a firm becomes no longer subject to the recordkeeping requirements of one category shall not relieve that firm of compliance with the recordkeeping requirements of any other category in which the firm is still included.
Those firms which are or become parties in litigation with DOE, as defined in paragraph (c)(1) of this section. Any such firm shall remain subject to paragraph (a) of this section. DOE shall notify the firm in writing of the final resolution of the litigation and whether or not any of its records must be maintained for a further period. DOE shall notify a firm which must maintain any records for a further period when such records are no longer needed.
Those firms which as of November 30 1984, have completed making all restitutionary payments required by an administrative or judicial order, consent order, or other settlement or order but which payments are on February 5, 1985, still subject to distribution by DOE. This requirement is applicable to only those firms listed in appendix B. Any such firm shall maintain all records for the time period covered by the administrative or judicial order, consent order, or other settlement or order requiring the payments, evidencing sales volume data for each product subject to controls and customers' names and addresses, until one of the following: June 30, 1985, unless this period is extended on a firm-by-firm basis; the end of the individual firm's extension; or the firm is notified in writing that its records are no longer needed.
Those firms which as of November 30, 1984, are required to make restitutionary or other payments pursuant to an administrative or judicial order, consent order, or other settlement or order. Any such firm shall remain subject to paragraph (a) of this section until the firm completes all restitutionary payments required by the administrative or judicial order, consent order, or other settlement or order. However, after completing all such payments, a firm shall maintain all records described in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section until one of the following: Six months after the firm completes all such payments, unless this period is extended on a firm-by-firm basis; the end of the individual firm's extension; or the firm is notified in writing that its records are no longer needed.
Those firms with completed audits in which DOE has not yet made a determination to initiate a formal enforcement action and firms under audit which do not have outstanding subpoenas. Any such firm shall maintain all records for the period covered by the audit including all records necessary to establish historical prices or volumes which serve as the basis for determining the lawful prices or volumes for any subsequent regulated transaction which is subject to audit, until one of the following: June 30, 1985, unless this period is extended on a firm-by-firm basis; the end of the individual firm's extension; or the firm is notified in writing by DOE that its records are no longer needed. However, if a firm in this group shall become a party in litigation, the firm shall then be subject to the recordkeeping requirements for firms in litigation set forth in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
Those firms under audit which have outstanding subpoenas on February 5, 1985, or which receive subpoenas at any time thereafter or which have supplied records for an audit as the result of a subpoena enforced after November 1, 1983. Any such firm shall remain subject to paragraph (a) of this section until two years after ERA has notified the firm in writing that is in full compliance with the subpoena or until ERA has received from the firm a sworn certification of compliance with the subpoena as required by 10 CFR 205.8. However, if a firm in this group shall become a party in litigation, the firm shall then be subject to the recordkeeping requirements for firms in litigation set forth in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
Those firms which are subject to requests for data necessary to verify that crude oil qualifies as “newly discovered” crude oil under 10 CFR 212.79. Any such firm shall maintain the records evidencing such data until one of the following: June 30, 1985, unless this period is extended on a firm-by-firm basis; the end of an individual firm's extension; or the firm is notified in writing by DOE that its records are no longer needed. However, if a firm in this group shall become a party in litigation, the firm shall then be subject to the recordkeeping requirements for firms in litigation set forth in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
Those firms whose records are determined by DOE as necessary to complete the enforcement activity relating to another firm which is also subject to paragraph (a) of this section unless such firms required to keep records have received certified notice letters specifically describing the records determined as necessary. At that time, the specific notice will control the recordkeeping requirements. These firms have been identified in appendix A. Any such firm shall maintain these records until one of the following: June 30, 1985, unless this period is extended on a firm-by-firm basis; the end of the individual firm's extension; or the firm is notified in writing by DOE that its records are no longer needed.
Those firms which participated in the Entitlements program. Any such firm shall maintain its Entitlements-related records until six months after the final judicial resolution (including any and all appeals) of Texaco v. DOE, Nos. 84-391, 84-410, and 84-456 (D. Del.), or the firm is notified by DOE that its records are no longer needed, whichever occurs first.
For purposes of this section:
A firm is “a party in litigation” if:
The firm has received a Notice of Probable Violation, a Notice of Probable Disallowance, a Proposed Remedial Order, or a Proposed Order of Disallowance; or
The firm and DOE are parties in a lawsuit arising under the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973, as amended (15 U.S.C. 751 et seq.) or 10 CFR parts 205, 210, 211, or 212; and
There has been no final (that is, non-appealable) administrative or judicial resolution, or
DOE has not informed the firm in writing that the Department has completed its review of the matter.
A firm means any association, company, corporation, estate, individual, joint-venture, partnership, or sole proprietorship, or any other entity, however organized, including charitable, educational, or other eleemosynary institutions, and state and local governments. A firm includes a parent and the consolidated and unconsolidated entities (if any) which it directly or indirectly controls.
The following firms have completed making restitutionary payments to DOE but their payments are still subject to distribution by DOE. Each such firm must maintain relevant records until June 30, 1985, unless this period is extended on a firm-by-firm basis. Relevant records are all records of the firm, including any affiliates, subsidiaries or predecessors in interest, for the time period covered by the judicial or administrative order, consent order, or other settlement or order requiring the payments, evidencing sales volume data for each product subject to controls and customers' names and addresses.