Any determination made before December 19, 2014, under section 5963(a) [1] of title 22 shall be treated as a determination under section 3712(a) of this title.
Any determination made before December 19, 2014, under section 5965(b) 1 of title 22 shall be treated as a determination under section 3713(b) of this title.
Funds made available for Cooperative Threat Reduction programs pursuant to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (Public Law 112–239; 126 Stat. 1632) or the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 (Public Law 113–66; 127 Stat. 672) that remain available for obligation as of December 19, 2014, shall be available for the Program.
(Pub. L. 113–291, div. A, title XIII, § 1352, Dec. 19, 2014, 128 Stat. 3607.)