§ 5814. Abolition and transfers

42 U.S.C. § 5814 (N/A)
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The Atomic Energy Commission is hereby abolished. Sections 2031 and 2032 of this title are repealed.

All other functions of the Commission, the Chairman and members of the Commission, and the officers and components of the Commission are hereby transferred or allowed to lapse pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.

There are hereby transferred to and vested in the Administrator all functions of the Atomic Energy Commission, the Chairman and members of the Commission, and the officers and components of the Commission, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.

The General Advisory Committee established pursuant to section 2036 [1] of this title, the Patent Compensation Board established pursuant to section 2187 of this title, and the Divisions of Military Application and Naval Reactors established pursuant to section 2035 of this title, are transferred to the Energy Research and Development Administration and the functions of the Commission with respect thereto, and with respect to relations with the Military Liaison Committee established by section 2037  of this title, are transferred to the Administrator.

There are hereby transferred to and vested in the Administrator such functions of the Secretary of the Interior, the Department of the Interior, and officers and components of such department—

(1) as relate to or are utilized by the Office of Coal Research established pursuant to the Act of July 1, 1960 (74 Stat. 336; 30 U.S.C. 661–669);

(2) as relate to or are utilized in connection with fossil fuel energy research and development programs and related activities conducted by the United States Bureau of Mines “energy centers” and synthane plant to provide greater efficiency in the extraction, processing, and utilization of energy resources for the purpose of conserving those resources, developing alternative energy resources, such as oil and gas secondary and tertiary recovery, oil shale and synthetic fuels, improving methods of managing energy-related wastes and pollutants, and providing technical guidance needed to establish and administer national energy policies; and

(3) as relate to or are utilized for underground electric power transmission research.

There are hereby transferred to and vested in the Administrator such functions of the National Science Foundation as relate to or are utilized in connection with—

(1) solar heating and cooling development; and

(2) geothermal power development.

There are hereby transferred to and vested in the Administrator such functions of the Environmental Protection Agency and the officers and components thereof as relate to or are utilized in connection with research, development, and demonstration, but not assessment or monitoring for regulatory purposes, of alternative automotive power systems.

To the extent necessary or appropriate to perform functions and carry out programs transferred by this chapter, the Administrator and Commission may exercise, in relation to the functions so transferred, any authority or part thereof available by law, including appropriation Acts, to the official or agency from which such functions were transferred.

In the exercise of his responsibilities under section 5813 of this title, the Administrator shall utilize, with their consent, to the fullest extent he determines advisable the technical and management capabilities of other executive agencies having facilities, personnel, or other resources which can assist or advantageously be expanded to assist in carrying out such responsibilities. The Administrator shall consult with the head of each agency with respect to such facilities, personnel, or other resources, and may assign, with their consent, specific programs or projects in energy research and development as appropriate. In making such assignments under this subsection, the head of each such agency shall insure that—

(1) such assignments shall be in addition to and not detract from the basic mission responsibilities of the agency, and

(2) such assignments shall be carried out under such guidance as the Administrator deems appropriate.

(Pub. L. 93–438, title I, § 104, Oct. 11, 1974, 88 Stat. 1237; Pub. L. 102–285, § 10(b), May 18, 1992, 106 Stat. 172.)