
§ 12655f. Training and education services

42 U.S.C. § 12655f (N/A)
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Each program agency shall assess the educational level of participants at the time of their entrance into the program, using any available records or simplified assessment means or methodology and shall, where appropriate, refer such participants for testing for specific learning disabilities.

Each program agency shall, through the programs and activities administered under this division, enhance the educational skills of participants.

A program agency may enter into arrangements with academic institutions or education providers, including—

(1) Requirement Each program agency shall use not less than 10 percent of the assistance made available to such agency under this division in each fiscal year to provide pre-service and in-service training and educational materials and services for participants in such a program. Program participants shall be provided with information concerning the benefits to the community that result from the activities undertaken by such participants.

A program agency may enter into arrangements with academic institutions or education providers, including—

(A) local education agencies;

(B) community colleges;

(C) 4-year colleges;

(D) area vocational-technical schools; and

(E) community based organizations;

(3) Counseling Career and educational guidance and counseling shall be provided to a participant during a period of in-service training as described in this subsection. Each graduating participant shall be provided with counseling with respect to additional study, job skills training or employment and shall be provided job placement assistance where appropriate.

(4) Priority for participants without high school diplomas A program agency shall give priority to participants who have not obtained a high school diploma or the equivalent of such diploma, in providing services under this subsection.

The standards and procedures described in paragraph (1) shall provide that an individual serving in a program that receives assistance under this division—

(1) Consistency with State and local requirements Appropriate State and local officials shall certify that standards and procedures with respect to the awarding of academic credit and the certification of educational attainment in programs conducted under subsection (c) are consistent with the requirements of applicable State and local law and regulations.

The standards and procedures described in paragraph (1) shall provide that an individual serving in a program that receives assistance under this division—

(A) who is not a high school graduate, participate in an educational curriculum so that such individual can earn a high school diploma or the equivalent of such diploma; and

(B) may arrange to receive academic credit in recognition of the education and skills obtained from service satisfactorily completed.

(Pub. L. 101–610, title I, § 199G, formerly § 127, Nov. 16, 1990, 104 Stat. 3145; renumbered § 199G, Pub. L. 103–82, title I, § 101(a), Sept. 21, 1993, 107 Stat. 788.)